Chapter 70

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- Brooke's POV -

My eyes shot open and I was suddenly engulfed in bright, warm light. I felt my heart beat vigorously for the first time in a long time as blood began to course through my veins that have been still for so long.

I took in the biggest breath of air I have ever taken in as I felt my lungs expand and begin to regulate my breathing. I looked down and my shaky hands and noticed I was whiter than the snow that fell beside me. My burns took on a slightly pink undertone. I held my hand up to shield my eye from the blinding sunlight. I looked around at my surroundings. I was in some sort of caved in basement.

I attempted to stand, but I felt ten tons heavier than I did before. I used a nearby piece of fallen concrete to help me to my feet. Balancing myself, I took a few steps before excruciating pain took over my torso and I fell to my knees as I convulsed in pain. 

I let our ear peircing screams as things stretched and ripped away at my back. I continued to wail as I felt things start to grow and protrude from my back. I now knew where the extra weight was coming from. 

I hit the concrete with my fist as tears cascaded down my cheek as six long, black tendrils grew from me. I heard the ripping of my body suit as the tendrils grew to be about eight feet long at least. 

The pain finally subsided and the tendrils laid on the ground beside me. I wiped tears from my face and gazed up at my only exit. I went to look away, but out of the corner of my eye something shiny caught my attention. I squinted my eyes as I stared up at the dangling object. It's way too high to reach and I sighed as I looked back at the tendrils that were protruding from my back. " How the hell do I even work these things? " I asked myself aloud. 

I got back to my feet with some trouble, but I manged to find my balance. I closed my eyes and concentrated on making one, if not all my tendrils move. I peeked open my eye and to my amazement, all six tentacles were moving in the air swiftly. It kinda feels like moving an arm, it's actually quite easy. I gently grabbed the small dangling object and pulled it out of the crevice of the demolished concrete that was once a road. I brought my tendril to my hand and carefully dropped the small necklace into my shaky palm. 

I know this locket. It's the one I gave to Carisma. I slowly opened the locket and felt tears well up in my eye as I stared down at my three best friends and I. I closed the locket and slid it into my combat boot, seeing as I had no pockets.

I struggled to take any real steps before falling back onto my knees. I'm like a new born baby dear trying to take its first steps. 

I glanced back at my tendrils and sighed. " Why do I even have tendrils? " I mumbled to myself. A sudden flash back of getting injected with Slender's blood plagued my mind and I grabbed my head in pain. " Oh, right. " I said as my head throbbed. It's so cold. Is it December already? It was warm just the other day, though. 

I got to my feet once again and used my tendrils to climb my way out of the hole I was it. 

Once out of the hole I was in, I fell to my knees in the deep snow and stared up at the ruins of the town. I took in a deep breath and got to my feet again. I used my tendrils and surrounding objects as leverage. I took baby steps as I passed by the window of a store. I froze as I stared at myself. 

My hair was no longer a healthy brown color, but snow white along with my eyelashes and eyebrows. the only color in my face was the slight pink color of the burn on the right side of my face. My other eye was still ice blue, but everything else was whiter than snow. 

As I continued to stare at myself, I got lightheaded and stumbled back into the broken window of a car. I cut my arm, but didn't feel much do to how cold I was, I was going numb. My vision became hazy as I took a few more steps forward and collapsed into darkness. 

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