Chapter 26

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- Alisha's POV -

I watched in horror as Carisma convulsed in Slenderman's pale arms. Black gushed out of her mouth, drenching her shirt. Carisma let out a fierce cry of pain and all I could do was stare. Eclipse walked into the room and hissed viciously as if someone or something was in front of her. The louder Carisma got the more Eclipse hissed. And it wasn't long before Smile came in and started barking repeatedly.

I could hear a faint whisper calling my name and everything suddenly became quiet. " Alisha... " the whisper called my name again. The whisper grew louder and harsher each time it called my name. " Alisha... ALISHA... ALISHA! "

Carisma's cries snapped me back to reality.

A tall lady put her hand on Carisma's fore head and said something that sounded like German. The only reason I know it's German is because Brooke speaks it fluently.

Thank you Brooke.

Carisma seized and she passed out. " Thank you Ms.P. " Slenderman thanked the tall woman. " It's Zalgo. He's trying to corrupt her. " Slenderman came again. At the mention of Zalgo's name, I felt rage brewing inside of me. Slenderman laid Carisma down on her bed gently and turned to face us.

" This is Ms.P, she'll be training you, Brooke, Carisma, and Yvanna in magic. " Slenderman gestured to the tall woman seemingly calm. " Shouldn't there only be ONE proxy Slender? " Ms.P asked confused as she stared at the three of us. " There should be only one, but the soul of the previous proxy broke up into three separate souls. " Slenderman explained, crossing his arms. " Then what about her? She's giving off a strangely familiar energy. " Mrs.P gestured to Brooke, who was standing in the door way in her pajamas. Slenderman dropped his head slightly and sighed. " A part of Sage's soul is merged with Brooke's soul. " Mrs.P's expression softened and she stared at Brooke with her beady red eyes. Brooke looked at the ground awkwardly and shuffled her feet. " Who's Sage? " I questioned. " Sage was a very special Proxy. She died fifteen years ago in her battle with Zalgo. " Mrs.P answered. Slenderman pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to me.

I took the small paper graciously and unfolded it. It was an old picture of a girl with pale skin, dyed red hair, and green eyes, another girl sat next to her with slick black hair and a white mask, she was holding up a peace sign. My eyes trailed to the bottom of the picture. There was a date. It read " December 6th, 2001 " That's Brooke's birthday. " That picture was taken the day she died and the day Brooke was born. " Slenderman stated, taking the old picture back. " Sage was the only proxy I've ever seen with the power of healing hands. " Mrs.P stated, looking at Slenderman. That's when Brooke walked up to the tall woman and held both her hands out.

Bright blue light surrounded Brooke's pale hands and I gaped. " How long have you been able to do that?! " Brooke ignored my question entirely. A look of shock swept over Mrs.P's face and she grabbed her wrists to pull Brooke's hands closer to her face.

Brooke let the blue light fade away and pulled her hands back with a bit of force. Brooke took a step back and let out a breath.

" It's not exactly the same as Sage's, but it's definitely where she got it from. " Slenderman shifted his gaze to Mrs.P. " That's a very unique combination. " Mrs.P put her had to her chin.

- Brooke's POV -

Mrs.P stared down at me and I stared back.

Why was Sage so important and how does that make me special? I'm me not her. Eclipse walked up to me, I ruffled her black fur and she purred in delight. Eclipse has grown so fast, she's almost full grown at three months. I wonder if her corruption has something to do with her growth. Most likely. 

This is awkward.

" Why don't you manifest? " I asked under my breath.

It takes a lot of my energy to manifest my shadow figure, but I can still move things and talk to YOU even if I can't physically be seen.

I thought for a moment at what Max said. " Hm. I guess that makes sense. " Having Max with me at all times made me feel a little less lonely.

Sighing, I turned to walk out of Carisma's room, but was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at who it was and saw Alisha. " You okay? " Alisha's deep brown eyes pierced through me. " Yeah, I'm fine. " I turned back and walked out of the room.

I made my way down stairs and into the clinic. Toby and Yvanna were in the middle of a conversation when I walked in. " Hey Brooke! " Yvanna greeted me happily. Her skin wasn't so pale anymore, it was back to it's beautiful tan color and her eyes were full of life. " You feeling any better? " I asked walking over to the side of her bed, noting the IV still in her arm. Yvanna sat up and looked up at me with a smile. " Very. " Yvanna stated and a small laugh escaped my lips. I smiled back at Yvanna before leaving to go back up stairs.

I shuffled into my dark bedroom and turned the light on. I picked my phone up off the nightstand to check the time. 4:46 in the morning. I went to turn my phone off, but got a text. It's my dad.

I tapped on the text and read it aloud. " Hey Brookie. I hope you're safe and doing well. I love you. " I smiled at the short message and read aloud as I texted back. " We're okay, coming home in a while. Love you too. " I sent the text, turned my phone off and threw it on my bed. I walked over to my dresser and opened a drawer.

I dug through the little clothes I had and picked up a picture that was under everything. It was a picture of my whole family at my first skate competition, I was about nine when that picture was taken. A small smiled plastered itself on my face as I stared down at the old and worn picture.

I ended up getting second in that competition, but my family treated it like I got first. I let out a deep breath and put the picture back in its place, making sure to cover it with clothes.

You looked so happy...

I laughed at Max. " Yep... " I let out another deep breath and stared at myself in the mirror.

You're an exact clone of your mother.

" Yeah... " I put my hand to my face and traced the outline of my scars. An exact clone, huh?

" Komm zurück Mama...Ich brauche dich... "

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