Chapter 71

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- Brooke's POV -

I was shaken awake by strong hands and half expected to open my eyes and see my dad, but I came face to face with Offender and I shuddered.

" You did say you wanted to go to your old place, right? Well, let's go. " Offender stated as he stood upright. I pushed myself up and blinked back my sleepiness. " Do I just go like this? " I asked as I gestured to the big shirt I was wearing. " Seeing as 'ya got nothing else to wear, yeah. " Offender slid his hands into his coat pockets. " Do you still have my boots? " I asked as I stared up at the giant. " Yeah. They're by the front door. Now, let's go. I have very thin patience and little time kid. " Offender's tone was annoyed and I carefully slid off the couch. 

Are you alright to walk?

" I should be, I just might take a while. I'm still getting over my rigor mortis Max. " I said as I slowly made my way over to the front door. I sat down on the ground as I slipped on my combat boots. 

" Ready. " I stated as I stared up at the sharp toothed man. Offender grunted in response and opened the front door. I slowly made my way out and took baby steps. 

As I took my small steps a groan sounded from behind me as white tendrils took me by the waist. " If you're going to take that long to walk, then I'll just carry you, damn. " Offender placed me in his arms and began his walk to my house with the help of my rough directions. 

Is he warm? Are you alright?

I nodded in response to Max's questions. He smells of cigarettes and roses, but he's warm, so I don't care.

I saw my house in the distance and smiled at the memories that I remembered vaguely. " That's it, right? " Offender asked as he panned his face down to me. " Yep. " I said as he marched through the snow. 

Offender placed me back on the ground. " Make it quick, I don't like waiting around. " Offender ordered as he lit a cigarette. I nodded and slowly made my way inside. 

I smiled sadly and resisted the urge to cry as I looked over the still living room. 

You'll see them all again, don't cry.

Max comforted me and I batted away tears that threatened to fall. I took in a deep breath and headed for the stairs.

I stepped up the last step and shivered as a cold breeze hit me. 

I shuffled my way over to my room and smiled at the sight of the familiar surroundings. I opened my closest and rummaged through the miscellaneous shit I had, till pulling out an old black backpack that had a little Spiderman key chain.

I unzipped the bag and waltzed over to my dresser. I set the pack aside and slipped out of my shirt and combat boots. 

I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and slipped into them as quickly as I could. I glanced around and noticed my gray sports bra and slipped into that too along with a black t - shirt and some socks. I reached under my bed and pulled out my black and white converse that I never wore and laced them up swiftly. Finally, I found my really over sized black sweatshirt and slipped that on.

I shoved random clothes into my black backpack along with my combat boots, a family picture, and some old Polaroid photos of my friends. I quickly grabbed my brush and pulled my long, white hair up into a high pony tail before throwing the brush in too. I stumbled over to my nightstand and fished around the top drawer until I found my spare glasses.

Your dad was right. A spare always comes in handy.

I laughed at Max and made my way back down stairs as quickly as I could, considering I haven't walked or ran in almost five years. 

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