Chapter 53

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- Alisha's POV -

I sat on the bed of the run down motel watching TV as Jeff showered, Toby toyed with a Rubix cube, and Jack laid in bed resting his leg. Ben had got a call and teleported away with no warning. The usual.

As I continued to watch the limited amount of TV channels, Ben was back with a flash of light and a stupid smile plastered on his pale face.

" Hey Ben. " Toby looked up from the colorful toy in his hands. Ben didn't acknowledge Toby, he just laughed and stood at the foot of Jack's bed, starring at him intently. " What's got you so happy? " Jack asked flatly as he turned his head in Ben's direction. " I kissed your bitch. " Ben cackled. " What do you mean? " Jack asked confused in a deep voice. " Ya know Brooke? Yeah, I kissed her. " Ben rocked back and forth on his heals with a devilish smirk on his face. Jack stayed silent and pushed himself off the bed. " Jack y - you - " Jack cut Toby off by lunging at Ben and tackling the Link impostor to the floor. " I WILL FUCKING EAT YOUR HEART ZELDA! " Jack growled as he ripped his mask off to reveal rows of jagged, shark like teeth. Jack had Ben by the neck and was slowly letting his nails inch deeper into Ben's skin. Struggling under Jack in panic, Jeff rounded the corner in black basketball shorts and a black t - shirt.

Noticing the scene, Jeff dropped his towel and pulled Jack off Ben and kicked Jack on his wound. Jack fell to his knees and retracted his claws as he gripped his leg in pain. " I SWEAR I'M GOING TO EAT YOUR HEART WHEN I'M BETTER! " Jack spat viciously as he took a seat in bed. " What the Fuck did you do now Ben?! " Jeff demanded answers. " He put his fucking hands on Brooke. " Jack growled.

I'm just watching the whole scene unfold at this point.

" What do you mean? " Jeff looked at Ben. " I kissed her. " Ben let out a laugh and Jack growled. " You're right Jack, you can kick his skinny, little, elf ass when we get to where we're going. " Jeff laughed as he sat down beside me. " I swear on my life if you did ANYTHING else to her, I'll have Slender deal with you. " Jack growled in irate anger. Ben only laughed and Jack tensed.

I wonder how Brooke reacted to that.

- Brookes POV -

Sometimes I wonder why I was chosen to be a proxy.

I went back up stairs and into my new bedroom. It's so empty. Sighing, I unfolded my blanket and pulled the black sheet out.

Laying it flat on the floor, I grabbed my blue blanket and folded it in half, creating a makeshift sleeping bag. I may have swept the house, but I'm not putting my blanket directly on the floor. Max threw my pillow onto my makeshift sleeping bag and I smiled tiredly.

I grabbed my backpack and pulled out my Polaroid. " Max take a selfie with me. " I said.


" Did I stutter? Take a selfie with me. " I readied the camera.

I've never taken a picture before and you do stutter sometimes.

" Shut up and take the damn picture with me! " I said starting to get impatient.

Fine, I guess.

Max manifested himself behind me and put his arm around me. Though I couldn't physically feel his arm, I felt something cold.

Max held up a weak peace sign and I snapped the picture.

You do know that it's really hard for me to keep this form, right?

" Sorry, I didn't know. " I apologized as I grabbed the newly printed picture. Max dispersed and I smiled down at the selfie. I can't see anything besides Max's eyes on his face so I only saw that and the black form he took on. I set the camera and picture on the floor and grabbed my small bag that I kept my art supplies in. I fished around the many drawing utensils before pulling out a tiny roll of tape.

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