Blades revenage

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Special: Hey guys I am back! * pop out of nowhere* we have new dares! Let have some fun!

Pokespe: Are these dares bad.

Special: Maybe but good news I finally got FishDude34 name. It Kip.

Kip: Now dare from Blade.

Blade: We will have a Prank war but Special you have to stay still. * evil smile * my revenge time. That Prank War includes us host.

Special: * can't move* Blade you will pay for this after this prank war!


Blade: * shake my hand and zip me with a zapper*

Angle: Wow harsh! Poor special.

Special: Blade I will kill you later on!

Red: After this Blade will have to deal with Special.

Special: Blade when this chapter end I will make you feel sorry about it!

Blaze: * make Golds hair stick up*

Special: * laughs * Nice one Blaze.

Sapphire: Hey Ruby come here!

Rudy: * walk to sapphire and trip over the strings and paint fall all over her.* Sapphire! LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!!

Gold: Silver Come at me!!

Silver: I won't fall for it you idiot...

Gold: * walk around his trap and fall into Silvers* ouch.

2 hours later

Special: I hate you Blade, Kip, Angel, Gold, Black and Last but not least Pearl! Why did you pull the pranks on me! * cleans up the mess *

Gold: We did it since you can't move.

Kip: I just want to mess with you since you made me do my fear.

Special: On with the dares! * charge at Blade*

Blade: * runs away* Special you have to stay away from me in this while chapter!

Special: * stops and crack knuckles * I will fight you in my next one. * evil smile *

Blade: Ok now my other dare is Special can't use author power.

Special: What?!

Angle: So Special you better be careful since Blade will have his revenge.

Gold: That means we can mess with Special right

Kip: Are you sure you want to mess with her. She can be scary sometimes

Gold: On second thought no.

Special: Blade be careful after my other revenge chapter no new revenge!

Elesia: Now the dare

Special: It a dare from Daylite24 . The girls have to change into a statue.

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