Crush Change

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Special: *burst through the door with a knife cover with blood* I am back Senpai~

Host: Yandere Special!

Pokespe: What in the world happened now?!

Gold: She isn't a Yandere right?!?!

Mimi: Of course she isn't... I think.

Special: *smiles sweetly* Come on everyone~ what wrong? Do I have something on my face~

Everyone but Special: *shivers* S-Scary!

Special: *throw the knife away* Welcome back to Pokespe Truth and Dare. I, Special, hereby announce ... don't you ever think I am a yandere. I am more of a mix between Tsundere and Deredere. Anyways time to do our dares~

Zuraxy: Me first! I dare Green and Silver to dress up in a sailor uniform and be all energetic and cheerful without sulking and saying 'nya' at the end of each sentence for 5 chapters!

Green and Silver:... Heck no.

Blue: Greenie~ Silvy you gotta do it~ remember it a D-A-R-E~

Green: I rather die than do that dare.

Silver: Same here.

Blaze: You two leave did no choice but to... *drag Green and Silver into the sailor uniform and force them to wear the dress on*

Both: *comes out wearing the sailor uniform* This is embarrassing Nya~

Special: *takes pictures* Hehe~ blackmail info~

Patty: Good luck Green. Silver~ my turn! I dare Sapphire and Blue to switch personalities!

Angel: *switch Blue and Sapphires personalities* This is gonna be interesting~

Blue: *start laughing* Look at you Green! Just a prissy boy wearing such uniform!

Green: *glares at her* Shut up Pesky Women! Nya~

Blue: No!

Sapphire: Aw look at you two~ fighting like a married couple~

Green and Blue: Shut up!

Green: Nya~

Sapphire: No~ hehe

Elesia: My dares!! The Pokespe to react to BTS.

Pokespe: *goes online and starts listening and watching to their songs*

30 minutes later

Host:.. Are you guys done yet?

Gold: No wait another 30 minutes since we need to watch more.

Angel: Just react!

Red: I think they are amazing their moves are smooth.

Gold: I can't dance like that if I do I might break my bones..

Special: Gold... you will also tore your muscles big time. Now next dare Elesia!

Elesia: Everyone's to do to the amusement park and *winks at the host*

Host: *nods and smiles evilly*

Silver:.. I have a.. bad feeling. Nya~

Shot: To the amusement park! *teleports everyone there*

Red: But we don't have tickets!

Elesia: *shows the tickets* Everyone of us host went online and made ticket reservations. Now go in and have fun!

Pokespe: O-Ok... *walks in the amusement park*

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