Yandere Special

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Special: Welcome back to Pokespe Truth or Dare! Today all of our humble host are back!! Let give them round of applause!

Host: * enters*

Pokespe: Thank god they are back. *starts clapping*

Special: Hey we had great time together. When this book ends you will miss us for sure.

Gold: No way! Anyways when does this book end?

Sam: You know she might continue this book forever.

Blade: That a possibility since this is the 42 chapter.

Red: Wow there are already 42 chapters.

Special: Plus the bright side is we have endless amount of dares. But I might end it sooner or later. Maybe when we reach 60 chapters I might end.

Gold: 60 chapters.... so we have to be tortured 28 more chapter.

Cutie: 18 chapters Gold. 18.

Gold: At least of was close.

Cutie: you were 10 chapters off!

Gold: Hey at least it not off by 100.

Tundra: True. But your math is really bad Gold.

Special: Now everyone. This is gonna be the last chapter our dear guest host is gonna be in so say something nice to them please.

Pokespe: We all had fun with you guys.

Gold: I kinda wish Special was a guest host.....

Special: Gold I can hear you. Now let get on the with dares so we can torture Gold~

Tundra: I dare Gold to make out with Sapphire and everyone have to watch but Ruby has to be on a closet.

Natania: *push Ruby into the closet*

Gold and Sapphire: *Making out*

Everyone but Ruby, Sapphire and Gold: *sitting at a couch watching them*

Green: Save me.... why are we watching such this....

Blue: Remember it a dare Greenie~

1 hour later

Gold: ... Am I gonna get killed or something?

Dan: *let Ruby out of the closet* Gold say your last words before you get kill.

Gold: *gulp* Please spare me...

Special: Not happening Gold~ I am already prepare everything for your funeral~ *holding a katana while pointing it at Gold*

Vanessa: Sorry Gold but no one can help you now. You are dead meat.

Gold: Help!!!!! Someone save me!!

After 3 hours of running away and chasing Gold

Gold: *on the ground with a pool of blood around him*

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