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This a really important message for everyone! It doesn't matter if I tag you down here or not just read this please and help all of us out! So I hereby call for an emergency conference! So read this this thing below that I copied and then my own words to this crisis!

Dear all,

Article 13 is a law that is considered passing, banning all fan work from the internet. Meaning fan art, fanfiction, EVERYTHING will be banned. It doesn't even matter if I know you or if you've heard of me. We are all users of the same community and we love it. We, fanfiction writers and lovers cannot have that. It's part of our life. Fanfiction is something that makes things that didn't come true come true, like crossovers, ships and sooooooo many other things. Help support the non passing of Article 13 by posting message or writing your own against Article 13 in your social media, home page or ANYTHING! Just do it. PLEASE prevent this from happening.

My own words now:

Guys, I don't care if you hate me or hate my book or hate my spelling and such! This is the biggest crisis for everyone who loves fanfiction! It doesn't matter what genre or fandom you like or whatever! This is something we all need to deal with together! If this article is past then we all won't be able to read our favorite fanfiction! We can't have it pass no matter what!! If you really love fanfiction then you know how bad this is for all of us. Like the person who type that up top say, fanfiction is where we let the parts that didn't come true come true! Everyone has their own idea and plot that they wanna write about that involves character they don't own so by passing the article it would mean we can't write that anymore! We gotta stop this before it actually pass. If you are a true lover of fanfiction and it doesn't matter your fandom or genre, just post in on social media to stop this from happening! All readers who read this book, please help me out. I know I ask for a lot from all of you but please this time help me! We can't allow this article to be pass or else you won't be able to read or write about your favorite fandom or ships! This is a emergency. If we can manage to prevent the article to be passed then I will seriously type a chapter that 10,000 words long! I will say true to my words so please help us out! Special hereby begs you. It doesn't matter if you are tag below. If you read this chapter or book and love it like it then please help me.. no everyone out. We need all your help to prevent this.


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