Dare from specials revenage and authors shows up

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Special: we are back!! * pop out of no where with the others host*

Blade: well we have some dares and one kip might like.

Angle: Kip you get to slap Special really hard.

Kip: Yes! * slap Special really hard *

Special: * holds cheek * Who ever gave this dare I hate you!!

Elesia: well you can't hate them since they are the reader and you have to be polite Special.

Special: Alright... * sigh * Now on with the dare.

Blaze: Well Ruby have to go on a date with Blue, Yellow, Crystal, Platina and White.

Special: ... why does it have to be Franticshipping that is sinking! How dare you sink my Ship!!

Ruby: * goes on the date *

3 hours later

Sapphire: * really jealous and hides it *

Special: * eats ice cream * Why did it had to sink but Sapphire is Jealous that a good news.

Kip: Looks like the author have some dares for everyone.

???: * with a mask on * Hi I am the author I won't say my name but you can call me Miyu. I will be here for today's Truth and Dare.

Special: Well now that the author appear let start with her dares!!

Miyu: I dare Ruby to tell Sapphire now he feels.

Ruby:.... * blushes * Well.....

Sapphire: * blush*...

Ruby: well Sapphire is a close friend of mine that all * lied *

Sapphire: * about to cry *....... Oh that now you feel about me

Ruby: * look away *

Boys but Ruby: * sigh * He doesn't know what he has gotten himself into.

Girl but Yellow, Crystal, Platina and White: * crack knuckles * Ruby look what you have done!

Sapphire: * runs out of the mansion crying *

Special: She is clearly upset! Go after Sapphire right now!!!

Ruby: * runs after Sapphire*

Sapphire: Don't come close to me! I hate you! I hate you the most! * crying *

Ruby: * heart aches * Don't say that Sapphire. Stop running away from me. * grabs Sapphires arm *

Sapphire: * struggles * Let go of me! I don't want to see your face!

Ruby: Stop this Sapphire! Don't argue we me right now!

Sapphire: * keeps struggling * LET. GO. OF. ME!!

Ruby: * pin Sapphire to a tree * Don't Mess with me didn't I tell you that. * Serious face *

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