Chapter update + Announcement

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Special: Welcome back to Pokespe Truth and Dare, where all the fun happens!

Gold: You mean where all the nightmare, torture, pain and fear happens right?

Crystal: Don't forget this is also where all the weird things happens as well.

Emerald: To improve things, this is also where most of the spelling error happens.

Special:.... Guys, you may have the host powers today, it doesn't mean that I can't take them away and burn you in h- *gets slapped*

Host: Special! Language!

Special: .... Oh sh- *gets slap again* ow! What that for!

Pokespe: Language!

Special: I was gonna say shoot, not that word guys! Also, you guys sure have guts.

Pokespe: *looks away and back off*

Blade: Special, stop scaring them. *whispers* keep dragging this story out.

Blaze: *whispers* Make sure to drag it out until it 500 or so words.

Special: *whispers back* I can't. Do you really think the author can keep typing without much idea in their mind right now as they try to find a way to actually drag this out for us.

Blue: Do you think that are doing what I think they are doing....

Ruby: They totally are. Should we start the plan!

Blue: Wait one second. Once Special turns around and starts talking, we will surprise them with the start of the story.

Special: *turns around* S-

Blue: Ok now, the first dare we have is!!

Special: Hey!!!!!

Blue: Well since it been a long time since we have you some truths~ Special, is it true that your name was named this way because of SpecialShipping?

Special: Yes along with the Special in Pokemon Special. I kinda wanna change my name now.

Pokespe: Why?

Emerald: Perhaps, you decide that your name being related to us is something terrible?

Special: oh no no. I like my name expect that... when I sometimes say my name as Special, I sometimes wonder if people starts thinking why I am name Special cause I am 'special'

Gold: You are definitely not special, you are something else.

Special: Yeah I know.

Crystal: I think what he means is that, you aren't special but you are unique.

Special: Aw~ how sweet of you.

Silver: You can have such an soft side as well Special?

Elesia: She can but that usual towards the host not you guys.

Red: Hey guys! An incoming new dare!

Green: *catches the new incoming dare list* we have 15 dares here. *smirks* we are gonna have fun today.

Special:... When I am back as host I am making you guys do 20 to 25 dares!

Silver: Do you even have that much dare?

Vanessa: Have you guys forgotten how many host are here, how many readers comment and how she *points at Special* never updates and use all the dare?

Silver: True. She indeed never updates.

Special:... I feel like some of you are asking for an death wish for some reason..... just get this show on the road. We don't have all day you know.

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