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Special: Eh!!!!! I still can't believe this!! W-We have reached 20K?!?!?!?!???

Pokespe: For real?!?!??

Special: Yes!! Look!!

Special: Yes!! Look!!

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Ruby: ... that description.. you were about to say torture weren't you...

Special:.. *looks away* Who know! Maybe my hand just slipped~

Red:.. she totally was totally gonna say torture..

Yellow: Special don't lie.

Special: Fine... just because Yellow say not to..

White: Hey look! We are 772 place in humor!

Gold: How?! I swear this book isn't that funny at all

Special: Hey! I spend my precious time typing this! Don't you dare say it isn't funny!

Gold: But it the true. Who would think a bunch of girls and boy being torture is funny.

Blue: Well no one but I think the funny portion is our reaction plus Special don't break the fourth wall.

Special: Alright well anyways *bows* Thank you all for reading Pokespe Truth or Dare! I, Special, am really thankful to you all mostly you guys! My humble host! To your disappointment it not an update but I swear! Next chapter that comes up is definitely gonna be full of dares! Maybe some truths who knows other than me~ Anyways I hope you continue to read Pokespe Truth or Dare until it completely!

Pearl: I have been wondering.. how do you have 7K comments?

Special: We host like to socialize so~ that how.

Gold: You aren't socializing at all Special. Plus I have been wondering where does your name come from.

Special: I am busy that why I am not socializing! Well my name comes from~..... I will let you host and reader guess. Whoever gets it corrected will have a present~ hehe

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