Special's Thanks

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Special: Ah!! This is not a chapter so I am sorry but.. I feel really proud of myself after a long time! Look at this and you will know!!

 I feel really proud of myself after a long time! Look at this and you will know!!

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Special: I manage to rank number 1 in majority of the ship! Sadly I rank 3rd on Specialshipping but that good enough for me! I feel so proud of myself

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Special: I manage to rank number 1 in majority of the ship! Sadly I rank 3rd on Specialshipping but that good enough for me! I feel so proud of myself.. I haven't felt this proud in a long time. I-I can cry right now! Out of happiness!! Moreover, thanks for all the support, comments, reads, dares, truth, votes and bookmark you have given on this book. I am truly happy and shout out to all the host!! Thanks for being part of it!! I, Special, in words... can't comprehend the happiness I am feeling. I can't thank you all enough. Since we have some times, let have a little flash back with me.


Special: Do you guys remember, when I just started. There wasn't much reads, bookmarks, votes, dares/truths, comments or host. At the beginning it was just me and the Pokespe. Later people started joining me in the book and started commenting dares to the point that I lost track of which ones I did. Than here comes to time when I ran out of dares because I update too frequently but as soon as I ran out, I asked people to comment dares and they did. It makes me really happy that people commented the dares. As times goes on, a lot of people's wanted to join in the book to the point where I now have like 24 host. Now I think back, those are good memories. Now move a little more forward in time.

Do you guys remember that times when I only update once or twice a month like I do now because of school? In all honesty, I was kinda slacking off and when I was gonna write in the books I got into a problem. The problems were, "oh no... who's does (blank) like?" or "did (blank) show up one the book?" but most of the times it's, "Oh god.. where are the dares!! What chapter are they on! Which ones did I do???" Thinking back, I wasn't as organized as I am now. Speaking of those old days~ my spelling was terrible. Dares turn into Date. (FYI, it still happening now because of autocorrect.) At least most people still get what the words are. XD

Oh! Host~ do you remember when we all rp in the comments? Every morning I gets like 55 or more unread rp comments. When I turn on my phone I always was the Wattpad notification first thing out of everything else. I am thinking that we should do that again sometimes but yet again I don't want to bombarded with notifications. I seriously wonder do people ever go through out comment chains or not? If they do they must think we are all weird people. Plus most of the host ships thing happen in the comments XD

I know. I know. This flashback is too long but it can't be helped. We have like 40 or more chapters excluding the tag and none truth or dares chapter, we all have no many memories in this book but I guess i will move forward quickly.

Let go to now days. Now days, I am back on quite a bit, updates are the usual one chapter a month or so. I am gonna update my other books as well so don't worry readers. This time unlike the last me, I write down all the dares so I know which ones I didn't do. I also write down all the host names and Pokespe as well. I hope this will make me a lot more organized than before. Ok so~ end of flashback and let me get to my main points.

~Flashback ends~

Special: My main points are done here. It all my thanks to people.

• I am thankfully to all the people who read this book. My book aren't the best but when I see someone bookmark my books. It makes me so happy that people actually like and read them. I can't thank you all enough for reading them. I will also thank you all for the votes.

• My second thank is for the dares and truth. If all of you didn't comment any dares or truth than this book world have ended faster than anything. Without all your truth and dare, this book wouldn't have been here. It all thanks to all of you that this book made it so far.

• My third thanks is for the host and readers.

I am thankfully for the host who's joined this book. I am also thankfully for the host who always comment in the books, votes the book and read the book. Without all of you host, I couldn't have so much fun writing this.

I am thankfully for all the readers who read this book. Thank you all for the dares and support on this book. I will also thank some of the readers who asked me when I will update or can I update the book soon or just simply say they love my book. Every time I heard someone asking for an update or saying they like the book, as an author it makes me super happy. Just the though that people are enjoying my book makes me happy. Thank you all for the support you have shown on this book.

• My Last thank is for the Pokespe. Without those amazing characters in this book. It wouldn't have been this amazing. I tortured them pretty badly but it mostly Gold. If you read this book, your most likely thinking I hate Gold so that why I torture him but that not it. I actually like Gold a lot. He may be a flirt and pervert but he has his moment. I may torture Gold but I still like him a lot. All of us torture him because it fun and his reactions are always the best. He is this books MVP.

I have said all my thanks. I would write more but I don't want bores you to the end. Also if your about to sleep, read this and I bet your gonna be falling asleep quite quickly. This is a boring speech from Special after all XD.

My last thankfully will be this one. Once again, I am thankfully and grateful to all of you. Without you, this boon wouldn't be here. Without you, I wouldn't have made it this far. Without you, I couldn't have reached my goal of ranking number 1 in most of the ships. Lastly.. without you.. I wouldn't her so much fun writing this all.

I spilled all my feelings into this. Well by all I mean the ones I can write into words to tell you how I am feeling. The feeling that I am feeling right now is something that you can't put into words. Even if I try, I will fail because it something that word can't express.

I hope you will continue to support this book till the end. I am done with this so bye now.

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