Yandere Simulation

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Special: Welcome to Pokespe Truth or Dare. As I promise this chapter is gonna be Yandere Simulation with few other dares that all. Now if you would like to know who the winner of the voting is... the host will tell you in unison.

Host: Special!

Green: We are somehow not surprised she won.

Blue: Come on Greenie. Everyone of the reader must have expected her to win. After all she fits as an yandere.

Lumi: Even though she is actually quite scary as one.

Special: *sigh* You guys... anyways be warn this chapter is full of deaths... ok what am I saying. There have been tons of deaths in this book already so screw this warning.

Gold: *gets the camera out* We should film this and post in online.

Vanessa: I don't think that a good idea Gold.

Gold: How come?

Katie: I think people will think that we are maniac for doing such thing.

Gold: Hey this is at least the least maniac like thing we have done in this whole book. Well at least o think so.

Special: He got a point there but Gold do you really think people would want to see a girl killing 40 whatever so people just to win a fake love of a boy who she doesn't even like?!

Blue: Well people might look at it just to see who these people are that are insane enough to play a role in this. Well let get this started since I think the readers are waiting. So without further ado!

Everyone: Yandere Simulation real life starts now! *gets in their places*

Red: *starts filming this thing*

Special: *grabs a katana* Don't you dare go near Senpai~ Whoever dare touch 'my' senpai will get their punishment now~

Blue: A-All we did was talk to him that all!

Special: It doesn't matter if you talk to him or even take a glance on him. I will kill of anyone who dare look or get near senpai~ *cuts Blue across the neck*

Blue: *falls down on the ground bleeding out*

Special: *pull Blue's dead body away while cover in blood* One done~

Green: Is that Blue's Body! What did you do to her! I gotta tell Blade!

Special: Oh. It nothing~ Since you saw this I can't allow you to love or else you will ruin my image in front of Senpai. *evil smile and approach Green* I could have live longer if you didn't plan on telling senpai~ *stab him on the heart*

Green: *falls on the ground* Y-You... Murd- *passes out and dies*

Special: *drag both Green and Blue's body to the back of the school and dig a hole throwing their body in it before filling the whole up*

Blade: *shocked* What are you doing Special being covered all in blood!

Special: Senpai don't misunderstand things. This is all tomato juice that was spilled on me.

Blade: Ok. You should probably get change.

Special: Ok Senpai. Let head do class now! *grab him arm and pull him to class*

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