Happy Thanksgiving

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Everyone but Special: *chasing after a turkey*

Special: Catch that turkey!

Gold: Can't you see we are trying to?!

Special: Well you guys suck at it.

Green: Said the person who's sitting there watching us.

Silver: If you have time to complain about us, why don't you come and join us so we can catch this stupidly fast turkey that has some awfully short legs.

Special: Well I would help if this thing isn't chasing after me *running away*

Ruby: Who was this genius that though of bringing a turkey in here?!

Special: Well whoever it is they are dead meat when I find them.

Blade: How about we stop our complaints and catch thing before it rip this mansion apart.

Blaze: I agree with Blade. If we have the energy to complain about all this, why don't we use these energy to run faster and catch that turkey and roast it.

Special: Alright! Whoever can catch this turkey first gets the privilege of taking the first bit of this turkey!

Gold: Why does every since time this book starts something weird happens.

Emerald: Well if nothing weird happens then the author must really want to torture us. We are having some moment peace right now.

Crystal: I wouldn't call this peace. Just look at what we are doing and look at the mess. This is not peaceful.

Angel: If this is peace then so is war.

Red: Well I think this turkey's destructiveness is 100 times more destructive than a bomb.

Special: I can agree with that *grabs a pan* Attack it!

Everyone but Special: *grabs an weapon that in sight*

Five hour later

Ruby: Ah!!! This stupid bird is dirtying my short!

Special: I didn't know this stupid turkey has the ability to call his friends for help!

Everyone: *running away from the turkey*

Reshira: *slams the door open and stare at the chaos that happening* What the heck is happening here....

Cloud: *peaks out from behind Reshira* .... from what I can see are 49 people running away those ten turkeys with weapons in hand...

Élec: Maybe we have gotten the wrong place honestly..

Nick: Yeah, let leave now.

Everyone that inside the Mansion: STOP!! HELP!!!!

Alura:.... guys, let come back later. These turkeys seems mean.

Reshira: agree... well bye for now.

Special: NO!!! Please help!!

Cloud: We do we have a choice on helping or not?

Pokespe: No

Old Host: Too bad you're helping.

New Host: *sighs and heads in*

Another five hour later

Kip: *sets the last plate or turkey on the table* Look it wasn't that hard. As long as we work together everything works out.

Elesia: *bandaging her arm* I love just how injured we are before we even gotten to the truth or dare section in the book.

Crystal: Can't he helped. A certain idiot here decided to bring a insane turkey in here.

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