Host Gone?!

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Blue: Where is Special! We have to tell the readers who the winner of the voting is!


Special: *walks down the stair with bed hair* Your too loud Black. *yawns* I was having a great dream. Now everyone welcome back to Pokespe Truth or Dare.

Red: That was the most boring start of the chapter I have ever seen in the book.

Silver: Agree. It's even more boring than just saying the usual title without any drama...

Special: Hey! I was staying up all night doing work also sorting the dares out. Give this host a little more time to sleep would you!

Ruby: Ok we will let you sleep tomorrow but! Let get your hair all straightened up now. It's a mess! *freaks out and starts brushing Specials hair*

Special: Calm down Ruby. I won't die just because I have bed hair *hair doesn't straighten one bit* leave it be. Let get this story started. BTW Blue. I plan to do tell everyone who won the voting on the day I assigned. So today is a normal Truth or Dare day.

Blaze: Gold. Today is your lucky day your wish from last chapter has been granted by at least 2 people. Now fight Ruby:

Idol: To make this chapter fun you may battle him 2 times!

Ruby: No!! My pokemons will get all dirty!

Kip: *teleport everyone to the court* Who's the referee this time.

Special: *standing at the court*

Emerald: Apparently Special again. I wonder who will win.

Special: This is a 6 on 6 battle between The Pervert and The Prissy Boy! Now send out your pokemon and Start!

Gold: Hey who you calling a pervert!

Ruby: Now who is a prissy boy.

Special: I didn't state any names~

Vanessa: Looks like our 2 fellow dexholders has just admitted that they are a pervert and prissy boy.

Rudy and Gold: .... I hate you Special! *sends out their pokemon and starts battling*

Special: Love you~

1 hour later

Special: Winner is Gold! Now the second battle is still Ruby against Gold and still a 6 on 6 so now start!

Ruby: Again! But my pokemon are all dirty! They need to be clean right now!

Gold: At least let us heal them before we battle!

Katie: * send all the pokemon to the pokemon center* 3 hours later we will battle again. Now next dare.

Mimi: They next dare was supposed to be Gold against Red. Oh well let skip that and do the other ones.

Kai: We got a dare for the pokespe ships to draw their partner.

Fortune: *hands out notebook* Have fun and when your done hand it in to us host.

1 hour later

Host: *looking at the pictures*

Special:.. Gold.. Red.. please take art lessons.

Gold: Come on we spend 1 hour drawing it so at least appreciate it a little.

Mimi: But Gold.. your spend 1 hour why is Crystal a stick figure in the picture.

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