Game Truth or Dare

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???: Welcome back to- *pass out from being hit by a frying pan*

Blue: Guys I did it!

Silver: Who is this person? Should we tie him or her up just in case? Nya~

Black: *tie the person up to a tree*

Special: *jumping down the steps of the stairs with a cloth around her mouth* mmmfh! mmmmfft mfmtmt!

Green: What? Nya~

Special: mmmmfft mfmtmt!

Red: *untie the cloth* what were you trying to say.

Special: I was trying to say 'untie me now!'

Gold: Alright so who is this and why were you tied up?

Special: So I was in my room trying to set up today's dare plan but sudden this idiot decided to tie me up and rip the paper into million of pieces!! Now change of plans!

Pokespe: Thank you mysterious person you save us.

Blade: Well you guys are technically not saves. Don't forget this is Special your dealing with, she has more crazy plans in her mind than you can ever expect.

Vanessa: Plus she never said we aren't doing any dares today~

Black:.... NO!!!!!!!!

Host: No yelling Black!

White: It sure has been a long time since he screamed like that.

Pokespe but Black: Agree. It been a long time

Gold: Wait.. if she said change of plans then.. what are we doing this chapter then?

Special: It a new edition of truth or dare I thought of. We will play some games and whoever wins will get to chose the dare on the dare list.

Blue: So as long as we win we it will be fine.

Green: Don't make such conclusions so fast. There is something up on her sleeves and you know it. Nya~

Special: Look who's talking~ well your right~ in this dare list it all dares it involves you guys mainly so is host has no lose! *evil laugh*

Pokespe: Should have was that coming!

Fortune: Too late. Now let start with a simple card came. *passed a poker card to everyone until the whole deck is out*

Sam: Who starting?

Emerald: You can start. Anyways I was wondering.. how in the world are we gonna play this card game when like 3 card deck is combined all together?!

Sam: Well we did take out all the jokers in the other card other than one deck so we will be find *takes a card from Idol* .. eh! Joker on my fist try!

Idol: Hehe~ thank for taking the joker away *takes a card from Silver* Yay two six *sets the two six card down*

Few minutes later

Special: *looking at Gold with a cracky smile* Say Gold~why don't you just give up~ it just a game after all~

Gold: Why don't you give up if you say it just a game.

Special: Well I has certain reasons why I can't lose. *looks at the two card in Golds hand and picks a random one* Yesh!! It a King!!

Gold: NO! I lost!!

Special: yes! I ain't last! Yes!!

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