Little Shipping day

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Special: We are back with dares!!

Pokespe: What?!!! More dares!!!

Angel: this dare is for Sapphire to throw Ruby into the mud and she has to act girly just like when she was a little  for the next 5 chapters.

Sapphire and Ruby: What!!

Sapphire: * throws ruby into a puddle of mud *

Ruby: My clothes are dirty again!!! * get out of the mud *

Sapphire: * wearing a dress that look like the one she wore when she was little * How do I l-look. * blushes *

Gold: * drops jaw* is that wild girl!!! She is like a problem doll right now!!

Ruby: * Stares at Sapphire * ......

Sapphire: Ruby-kun Gold-san please stop staring at me

Kip: well... on.... with the ... dares.. * stare at Sapphire in disbelief*

Blaze: Well Yellow and Red you have to Pokémon battle each other!

Yellow and Red: * send out their Pokémon *

Special: It a 6 on 6 battle so now begin!!!

1 hour and 30 minutes later

Winner: Red

Red: Yellow you are strong! * pets Yellows head *

Yellow: * blushes * Thanks

Elesia: Well this dare is for Crystal to be an maid and sever Gold for 2 chapters~

Crystal: * goes into a maids dress and blushes * How can I help you master

Gold: * Smirks * well you can do it by giving me a kiss~

Crystal: * blushes maddly and kiss gold *

Gold: * kiss back and smirks during the kiss *

Crystal: * pulls back *

Blade: Well I dare Special to kiss a host and to be a boy

Special: What!!!

Elesia: Don't bully special

Blade: well I am not bullying her it just a dare

Special: but it a k-kiss... * sigh* Fine I will do it. * grab Blade by the shirt and kiss him *

Blade: * blushing *

Blaze and Blue: * takes pictures * I am gonna show this to everyone!!

Special: * pulls away and blushing madly* There!

Blaze: well this dare is form the author. We are gonna have a snow ball fight of goat against Pokespe then a basketball game with ten same teams

Everyone: * goes outside and sees snow on the ground *

Host and Pokespe: * start making a barrier and snowballs *

Kip: The fight begins!!!

Kip and Blade: * start throw snow balls at the Pokespe*

3 hours later

Winner: Host

Black: we were so in winning!

Elesia: well that was a fun game

Special: Well I will do the other dares next time and please send in more dares. Platina do the ending!!

Platina: Ok PokespeYellow doesn't own Pokespe.

Angel: we'll send in more dares then the host can have fun tor- I Mean Playing with the Pokespe.

Host: * pop on front of the scream and waves * Well till next time! Bye~

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