Happy Halloween

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Special: Happy Halloween! Also Welcome back to Pokespe Truth or Dare!!

Red: Who are you dress up as?

Special: Blue Duh.

Yellow: Where are all the host?

Blue: We haven't seen them for at least a month.

Special: Ok here is the important thing. All the Host are on break right now and they are coming back for the next chapter! So this chapter it only me and you guys!

Gold: What?! Please let them come back as soon as you can! I don't want to deal with you!

Crystal: Gold don't worry they will come back really soon. Since the next chapter will definitely be up soon.

Special: Yup it will be up soon. Well anyways tell everyone what your dress as and who your dress as.

Ruby: Well we are dress up as one of the host. I am dress up as Kip.

Yellow: Vanessa-san for me.

Blue: Special of course~

Sapphire: I am dress up as Katie

Gold: Kai for me!

Crystal: I am dress up as Idol.

Red: I am dress as G. Red that I have seen a few times.

Platina: Mimi-san for me.

Diamond: Shot is who I am dress up as.

Pearl: RS64 for me

Green: Blade for me.

White: I am dress up as Blaze.

Black: I am dress as Sam!!!

White: Black you don't have to yell.

Emerald: I am dress as Fantasy

Silver: I was force by nee-san to dress up as Galaxy....

Blue: You look adorable Silvy~

Special: *sweat drop* This is....... alright since we have time why not do a little truth or dare for fun. These are all my dares. I dare Gold to go trick or treat with little kids.

Gold: What!! Why?!

Blue: It a Dare remember Gold~

Gold:... *groans and walks out trick or treating with little kids*

2 hours later

Special: *giving out candies*

Gold: Trick or Treat!

Special: Your too old to go trick or treating Gold.

Gold: Like I want to go out trick or treating! Do you know how embarrassing that was. I have been told by 50 adult that I was too old to be trick or treating!

Crystal: So did they give you any candies?

Gold: They did actually. I was happy when they did.

Special: Well next dare. Everyone have to scream who they like!

Gold: That including you right?

Special: Nope since I don't even have a crush~

Blue: Green!!!

Green: Blue!!

Red: Yellow!!!

Yellow: *blushes* Red-Kun!

Gold: Crystal!!! Blaze!!

Crystal: Gold!!


Ruby: Sapphire!!

Sapphire: Ruby!!!!!!!!!

Emerald:... Crystal!

Diamond and Pearl: Platina!

Platinum: Diamond!

White: Black!!

Black: WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Special: Ok that all for today! See you next time guys! Now everyone let do the ending!

Pokespe and Special: PokespeYellow doesn't own Pokespe.

Blue: Hey if I am dress as Special does that mean I get to tease Special who's dress up as me?

Gold: I think you can.

Special: Too bad Blue you won't get the chance Blue~ Only on person can tease me and I won't allow anyone else to~ also if you are wondering why your dares aren't showing up in the book don't worry I am getting to them soon. I have tons of dares to get through that are from the old times so please be patient.

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