Truth or Dare at the Beach

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Special: Well let me introduce the host first.

Gold: * staring at the girls at the beach*

Crystal: So who's our last host

Special: Well we have 4!new host. Well after these 4 I am determined on not accepting anymore host.

Pokespe: 4 New host?! I though you said one more.

Special: It hard to reject some of these. Just imagine your crush asking you out do you think you can reject them.

Pokespe:... No..

Special: Well here are our host! Galaxy, Patty, Idol and Sam!

Blaze: Well let start this story.

Lumi: I dare the pokespe to play Puyo Puyo.

Pokespe: * starts playing Puyo Puyo*

30 minutes later

Gold: I got the hang of it now!

Pearl: Oh this is fun!

After the game

Special: Finally over...

Lumi: Well here are my truth. This one if for ruby. Who teach you on how to sew a dress.

Ruby: I was self taught.

Lumi: Next truth is for Gold. Did you already cheat on Poker and Uno.

Gold: I might have......

Lumi: Truth or Sapphire. What if you meet someone who has same personality as you?

Sapphire: I would be a little creep out i many ways

Lumi: Last truth and it for Platinum. Do your consider yourself a proper lady? Why or Why not?

Platina: I would consider myself as a proper lady since I have been taught to be a proper lady.

Lavender: Would thy count as a reason?

Special: Probably well let move on...

Riot: I dare Red and Yellow to sing two sided lover by Miku

Katie: * hand Yellow and Red the microphones* This is gonna be awesome.

Red and Yellow: * grabs the microphones and starts sing*

After the song

Everyone:.... * clapping their handing*

Blade: Our next dare is for the pokespe to read Crush x reader fanfic one shot.

Angel: * make computers appear* Now start reading.

Pokespe: * starts reading*

30 minutes later

Pokespe but Gold:.... We are done.. *blushing*

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