50th chapter

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Special: Wah!! We have finally reached 50 chapters!! Wohoo!!!!

Pokespe: *applaused* Wow! Somehow we manage to survive 50 chapters!

Silver and Green: Nya~

Host: *applausing* Congratulations on surviving!

Special: Anyways we have 150 more chapter to go! I am gonna reach 200 chapters no mater what!!

Red: What happens if we ran out of dares before we reach 200 chapters?

Special: Hey we have our humble readers who's would help us! They definitely won't want it to end so soon plus~ I have tons of dares that I haven't use that I wanna try to use~

Blue:... I think I would prefer readers dare than yours.. I somehow get a bad feeling about your dares Special.

Gold: I agree. At least some of the readers dares are more normal and simple unlike your.

Special: Hey! I have normals dare as well you know *pouts* anyways our first and second set of dares are all from one person~

Blaze: First it for us host to proof Rakutsu, Faitsu, X, Y, Sun and Moon for a chapter and have some fun with them.

Blade: *proof Rakutsu, Faitsu, X, Y, Sun and Moon here*

Rakutsu: Where are we? Why am I here?

Faitsu: Why are there is many people here?? I thought we were back at school campus

X: ......

Y: Who are you all?!

Sun: Wow!! There are so many different kinds of Pokémon that looks like human

Moon: Calm down Sun anyways who are you all?

Special: Well hello! Let me do the introduction first for us host. *introduce all the host*

Host: *waved at them when their name is called*

Special: Next we have your Seniors!

Sun: Our Seniors?!

Moon: Does that means those 4 people beside us are also our Seniors?

Mimi: Kinda~ now Red starts the intro

Red: Hello I am Red!

Green: .... Green Nya~

Blue: Hi there~ I am Blue

Yellow: I'm Yellow

Gold: The wonderful yet awesome breeder with an amazing hair style! Yes it me the one and o- *mouth gets tape by Special*

Special: That too long! Anyways this weird guy here is Gold.

Crystal: I am Crystal

Silver: Silvers the name Nya~

Ruby: I am Ruby and this barbarian beside me is Sapphire

Sapphire: Hey don't call me that Prissy boy!

Ruby: Then stop calling me Prissy boy!

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