Done with old dares ready for new ones

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Special: Welcome back to Pokespe Truth or Dare! Now let see our humble victims! *opens the door and was lots of white flowers on the ground*

Blue: I still can't she died..

Gold: Even though she annoyed me and tortured me I don't hate her enough to let her die like this!

Special:... Guys... you know I'm still alive right?

Pokespe: *jumps a couple feet* G-Ghost!!!

Special: Hey! Who's a ghost!

Vanessa: So did all the host just miss a funeral?

Dan: Who's funeral did we miss?

Silver: Special. Well it really not a funeral after we know she still alive.

Special:... Ok next time I leave I am seriously gonna leave a message on the door so they won't mistaken for dead when I am still alive...

Natania: Well anyways we have a date for all Dexholders  except Yellow and Sapphire to get attack by gen 1-5 legendary pokemons.

Black: Where are you guys gonna get all those legendary pokemons?

Host: * releases their gen 1-5 legendary Pokémon*

Pokespe but Sapphire and Yellow: Oh god...

5 minutes later

Pokespe but Yellow and Sapphire: *dead*

Riot: *revives them* We can't have you dead now. We have tons of dare to get through.

Kai: Our second dare is for Ruby and Sapphire to act like their old personality.

Ruby and Sapphire: Let get this over with.....

Special: *takes out a camera* I am ready to film this~ *mumbles* Future blackmail item~

Ruby: Red battle me!

Sapphire: Ruby you shouldn't ask Red-san to battle with you so sudden.

Ruby: But Sapphire I want to battle. I wanna be strong and win the Pokémon league!

Sapphire: I will cheer on for you Ruby.

Riot: Next dare... I dare everyone to play battlefield 1.

Pokespe: You broke the 4th wall just now.

Host: I don't even think we have a 4th wall to be honest. Wait didn't Special already tell you that?

Red: On yea! Last chapter I think.

Special: Ok now let play that game. Let see who wins.

Everyone: *starts playing the game*

After the game

Winner: Riot.

Riot: Next dare. I dare everyone to play halo 5.

Gold: Alright! Let do this!

Everyone: * start playing the game*

After the game

Blue:... Special you gave up to fast.

Special:... For the last time Blue I accidentally hit the exit button ok?!

Blue: Are you sure?

Special: Positive! * starts arguing with Blue* Oh yea! We have one more host! Welcome Fortune!

Fortune: Hello anyways I have dares. I dare all the pokespe to become precures.

Blaze: Ok here's the list. Red will be cure sunny, Yellow will be cure lemonade, Blue will be cure beat, Green will be cure mint.

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