Ruby vs. Red

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???: *tram rocket grunt barges in* Hands up and listen to me!

Gold: Team Rocket!!

Red: Guys get your pokemon ready!

???: better not do anything dangerous if you don't want your humble host to get hurt~

Silver: How could you do such thing!

Special: *appears behind the Team Rocket grunt* How dare you kidnap us. Now~ How shall I torture you~ *crack her knuckles and chase after the team rocket grunt.*

Host: *appears out of nowhere*

Mimi: that was the most easiest escape anyone could have done if they were a host...

Yellow: Are you guys alright? Did they mistreat you or hurt you?

Vanessa: Not at all. They just tie us up and put us in cells.

Idol: I gotta say they were pretty stupid for thinking we are 'normal' host. Plus some of the host aren't really full blooded human.

Special: *comes back* That grunt manage to escape. Well anyways welcome back to Pokespe Truth of Dare!

Zuraxy: Well first let start off with mine. I dare everyone I play Minecraft.

Kip: *give everyone a laptop with a pre-downloaded Minecraft game*

Everyone: *starts playing Minecraft*

2 hours later

Angel: D-Done! Alright.. now the next is for the pokespe to read some pokepasta at midnight.

Diamond: Pasta? Where is the pasta?~

Pearl: *smack Diamond* Not Pasta Dia. It Pokepasta.

Blaze: *look up some pokepasta and show it to the pokespe* Read this and then tell us your opinion.

Green: But it not midnight right now

Blaze: *turn the time into midnight* there now read it.

Pokespe: *starts reading it*

10 minutes later

Pokespe but Gold: *finishes reading* That was.... one of a kind...

15 minutes later

Gold: Yes! I am finally done reading it and I sorta don't understand what's going on in the book but I am glad I finished it!

Host: *face palm* Gold.. your one of a kind..

Lavender: Now my dares~ Everyone have to do gymnastics. The pokespe girls have to meet their love rivals and everyone have to play yandere simulator only it gonna be real life.

Special: *makes it daytime again* Alright time to gymnastics! Everyone to the gym!

At the gym with everyone all dress up for gymnastics

Everyone: *doing a gymnastics exercise

Gold: *trying to stretch forward but won't since his muscles are too stiff*

Special:.. *push Gold forward until he reaches his toe* Really?! Your muscles are too stiff.

Gold: Ow!! That hurts!

Elesia: Gold stop complaining. It a dare and we all gotta do it. *does a back flip*

Gold:.. Special stop helping me. Your not even doing gymnastics right now.

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