Happy Birthday Ruby

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Special: Happy Late birthday Ruby!

Ruby: Thanks. But you missed the part and the fun. What were you doing anyways?

Special: Well the author won't type until she is done with this one picture. It took her so long to do it so we missed your birthday.

Ruby: Show me that picture.

Special: Ok One minute. * put headphone on and shows the picture*

Ruby: * screams* There no color!

Special: She didn't have time! She was in a hurry to be able to type your birthday sheathed before she goes to sleep!

Ruby: Here are my comments on the picture. I like the eyes but her clothing are really plain. Next time add a little more detail on their skirt and next time please color them.

Miyu: i am not a fashion designer like you are Ruby!! I am not a pro ok!

Ruby: Alright.

Special: Well before we end the chapter let me ask you this one question Ruby.

Ruby: What is it.

Special: What is Sapphire to you.

Ruby: Well she is a bestfriend... * mumbles* My crush and childhood crush too..

Special: Well my present for you is next chapter you and Sapphire can be out of the truth and dare book and go on a date together!

Green: Why didn't I get that as my birthday Present.

Special: You did. You and Blue went out on a date together didn't you.

Green: But you spied in is the whole time so that doesn't count.

Special: Well is offer if only for Ruby, Sapphire, Red and Yellow so too bad. Well let end this now. Everyone let do it!

Everyone: PokespeYellow doesn't own Pokespe

Miyu: Happy late birthday Ruby.

Special: * smirks* Gotta spy in their date~ Ruby, Sapphire get ready to get spy on~

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