Truth or Dare challenge

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Special: Welcome a back to Pokespe truth or dare! Today we will do a challenge! let see how many dares we can get through! Are you ready!

Pokespe: Not ready!!!

Blaze: Well to bad. This challenge is gonna happen to get ready.

Special: I find a lot of old dares we haven't done so now it time to do all that dare.

Blade: What our first dare?

Mimi: This is my old dare. I dare everyone but Me, Katie and Special to go on a date with their crush.

Angel: What happens if we don't have a crush?

Katie: Just stay with us and we will do something.

Kip: * make  Lyra, G. Red, Sword, Bella, Taiki, Wally, G. Leaf and Falkner* Now you can go on your date

Special: * gives everyone who's going on a date a paper* this is what you should do on your date~

Everyone who's dared: * going on the date*

Special: Time to spy.

During the date

Lyra: Silvy let go to the cafe.

Silver: Ok.. *walks to the cafe with Lyra*

Kai and Natania: * shopping*

Blaze, Crystal and Gold: * walking in the park*

Green, Red, Yellow and Blue: * eating in the cafe*

Blue: Greenie you got cake on your mouth. * take a napkin and wipe it off*

Green: * blushes a little* Thank you.

Blue: Are you blushing~

Green: go and eat your strawberry cake pesky women...

Diamond and Platina: * watching a movie*

Black and White: * eating at a restaurant*

Black: Prez.... can you stop staring at me....

White: Black just call me White. Plus who should I look at other then you.

Black: Good point..

Elesia and Sword: * having a picnic*

Vanessa, Idol, Falkner and G. Red: * at a amusement park*

RS64 and Bella: * at a carnival*

Urufu, Taiki, Lavender and Wally: * at the beach*

Dark and G. Leaf: * at the aquarium*

After the date

Katie: We got a lot of shipping pictures.

Elesia: Were you guys spying on us?

Riot: Maybe we were.

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