Gold's catchphase

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Gold: Hello I will be hosting today. Well since I am the host let end the story. Well PokespeYellow doesn't own poke- * gets interrupted*

Host: Wait!!!

Gold: Huh?

Special: At least finish the chapter with someone dares! Wait.. You are not hosting this chapter Gold!!

Gold: Ok. Ok. Geez you don't have to be so loud.

Green: Gold your catchphrase is gone..

Gold: Oh yea. Yay!!

Special: Aw man! Well let start this chapter now.

Blade: Well I dare Special to give Gold another catch phase and it can be the same thing.

Gold: No!!!

Special: Yay!! Thanks Blade! You are the best!! Now Gold your new catchphrase would be the same thing! Well let start then!

Gold: I'm a pervert! Why!!

Elesia: Now my dares. First! Everyone but Yellow have to play FNAF 1.

Everyone but Yellow: * start playing the game*

After the game

Blaze: That was.....

Katie: Fun..

Elesia: My next dare is for Silver to kiss Lyra.


Vanessa: * make Lyra appear*

Lyra: Why am I here?

Mimi: well you are here for a dare which is it kiss Silver.

Lyra: Ok!

Angel: * push Silver up near Lyra*

Silver: .... * leans in and kisses Lyra*

Girl Host and Blue: * Takes picture*

Elesia: Do the pocky game!

Special: Ah.. The Pokespe do it or everyone? Let safe for later.

Gold: I'm a pervert!!

Elesia: My next dare is for the pokespe to react to ASDF movie 1-10.

Pokespe: * starts watching the movie*

After the movie

Pokespe: * laughing*

Elesia: well I would like Green to say " I like " I like Trains" and let see what happens.

Green: I am not saying it.

Kip: You have to. It a dare.

Green: I.... Like... Trains....

Urufu: Say it again.

Green: I like Trains!! * gets hit by a train*

Elesia: Well my last dare is three of the pokespe have to sing Something Just Like This by The Chainmokers and ColdPlay.

Special: I pick Gold~

Gold: I'm a pervert!

Blaze: I choose Red.

Riot: Last but not least Ruby.

Red, Gold and Ruby: * starts singing*

After the song

Everyone but Red Ruby and Gold: * coving their ears*

Special: I think I need to see a war doctor......

Lavender: I think everyone does.. my ears hurts..

RS64: Let all see ear doctor right now

Everyone: * goes and see a ear doctor*

After seeing the doctor

Blaze: Let all take a rest.

Special: What did you say?!?!

Gold: I'm a pervert!!

Blaze: I said " Let all take a rest!"

Mimi: I can't hear you guys.

Yellow: Well it best if we end it here right now. 

Blue: PokespeYellow doesn't own pokespe! We are off now!

With Miyu

Miyu: * stuck in a room writing the next chapter* Just you wait Pokespe! Next chapter I will make it extra long!!

Gold: * open a room and close it* I was nothing.

Miyu: What did you see?~

Gold: I promise you I didn't see a demon writing a story with a really creepy yet evil smile and mumbling to herself like lunatic.. we'll end of story bye!!!! * runs away*

Miyu: GOLD!!! GET BACK HERE!! * chase after Gold*

Special: Comment Dare to dare another here. You can dare us host to but please dare Gold the most~ well bye!

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