Pokemon Battle

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Special: Welcome back!!

Crystal: Have anyone of you seen Gold?

Red: No. we haven't seen him at all.

Crystal: Where in the world is Gold?!?!?!!

Special: Ah.. Well might have left him at the beach!

Silver: I told that idiot we are heading but I guess he didn't hear.......

Vanessa: * teleport Gold back* Welcome back. With all the pokespe here we can start now.

Gold: I was having fun with the girls at this beach!

Angel: Gold you have Crystal already.

Gold: But.. * trying to think of a reason*

Silver: Don't think to much Gold. Your brain can't take all this thinking.

Special: Stop thinking before it stops functions. Well anyways before we start. Today is Vanessa's birthday.

Pokespe and Host: Happy Birthday.

Special: my gift to her is she can make one ship she likes sail but you can't that one ship and you know what it is.

Vanessa: Why can't I make that ship sail?

Special: Not answering that question well let begin this story!

Galaxy: Well here are my dares. Ruby to to say ' I'm a prissy boy' whenever Sapphire talks. Gold to say ' I'm a pervert' whenever Ruby says ' I'm a prissy'. Crystal and Blaze to kick Gold whenever he says ' I'm a pervert." Diamond can't eat for 3 chapter, if he does drop him into the pit of doom. Black's mouth to be duct tape for 5 chapter to prevent him to yell. Pokespe boys to be tie to a tree for a whole day. Everyone to tell their biggest fear.

Sapphire: Wow so many dares

Ruby: I'm a prissy!

Gold: I'm a pervert!

Blaze and Crystal: * kicks Gold*

Kip: That gotta hurt..

Gold: Ow! That hurts..

Idol: * tie Gold to a tree*

Blade: * tie Red and Green to a tree*

Gold: What did we do to deserve this!

Patty: * tie Silver to the same tree as Gold*

Silver: Why do I have to suffer. Can't I be tie to another tree that doesn't have this idiot.

Gold: Who you calling an idiot!

Sapphire: He is calling ya an idiot.

Ruby: I'm a prissy!

Gold: I'm a pervert!

Crystal and Blaze: * kick Gold*

Sam: * tie Ruby and Emerald with Gold and Silver*

Silver: What did we do to deserve this..

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