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Special: It the long awaited update!!! Yay!!

Pokespe: No!!!!

Special: What with that discouraging attitude! It been forever you know!

Blue: Yes but.. the break was kinda nice. You sudden just spilled out fun.

Gold: I kinda wish you would somehow lose all your dare list so the book will have to delay it's update even more or the author lost all the host name and have to go through the whole book and look for who they are.

Special: ... Gold.... I hate to admit this but... your wish came true...

Gold: Nani?!

Pokespe: Wait! For real?!

Special: Sadly yes.. *sighs* The author has written all the host name inside the notes and something suddenly happened to make her lose all the information stored there so now she has to start over again.. from the beginning she has to look for the host name.

Green: Gold, say stuff like that more often, your mouth sure works.

Gold: I know right. Now we have a longer break.

Special: *evil smile* Just you wait, when host list is completed we will make sure the chapter is 5,000 words long and make sure you guys suffer a ton, other then Yellow. Just you wait! And happy April Fools! This chapter was my prank to all readers and host! So bye!!!

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