Chapter 1

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Tzuyu's P.O.V

"Saranghae Tzuyu-ah" (I love you)
"Waeyo? Wae na?" (Why? Why me?)
"I don't know. I just love you"
She holds my hand, to my neck and she pulls me closer.....


"Kyaaaaa-ouch" I fell on the floor. I am caressing my painful butt while this tiger is laughing her ass out while looking at me.

"Yah! Why did you shout!? You could just wake me up gently!" I shouted

"Oooh Yoda is mad hahaha"

"Yah! I said don't call me that" I stand up

"Well just so you know that I've been waking you up for 5 minutes already, so I decided to wake you up harshly by shouting to wake you up from dreaming" she said while crossing her arms.

Dream. I covered my mouth as soon as I recall my dream. What was that!? Me kissing a g-girl? Scratch that! Dreaming about a girl confessing... to me.. and me soon to kiss her!? Omo! The image is even blurry so I didn't even recognize who that is. And I-I...

"Ouch! Yah why did you hit me?" I said while rubbing my head

"Because I've been talking here and you're not listening! Anyway as I was saying, we'll enroll now."

"Enroll where?" Me.

"To JYP camp!" She said while clapping her hands. Oh no! After hearing that I went back to my bed.

"Yah tzuyu-ah. Let's goooo!" She's pulling my hand now. Ugh! I don't want to go to that camp

"I don't want to chaengiee" I said while pulling back my hands from her

"Why? Your shyness is attacking again? Tzuyu-ah you're a model you shouldn't be!" She sits on my bed. I sit also on my bed to face her

"Yeah I'm just a model. I don't need that camp. I don't want to sing, act and definitely don't want to dance"

"But you're good at it! And besides school starts at fall. We have a lot of weeks to waste, why not do it in the camp? We can learn a lot" she whined

"I still don't want to. I-I'm just not good at it. You know what they say tha--" she cutted of my word

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