Chapter 33

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Momo's P.O.V

Our class for today has ended. We are in the restaurant that is owned by Nayeon and Mina. Nayeon is now telling us a story on what happened yesterday.

"That is so sweet Jeongyeon unnie!" Chaeyoung exclaimed and clapped her hands.

"Want me to teach you some of that?" Jeongyeon replied while wiggling her eyebrows. Chaeyoung nodded her head while showing a bright smile.

"Oh no don't you dare teach this kid something bad" Jihyo scolded Jeongyeon.

"It's not a bad thing. It's sweet right Nabongs?" Jeongyeon said while looking at Nayeon and the bunny just nodded.

"You're just jealous because you're the only one who doesn't have girlfriend" Jeongyeon said and she stuck her tounge out at Jihyo.

"I am not. I am happy and contented with my life thank you very much" Jihyo said while smiling.

"Okay. Then Chaeyoung you shoul--" Jihyo hit Jeongyeon in the head.

"Escaping responsibilities just for a date? She's too young for that. Wait 'til she grow up" Jihyo said.

"Will she be able to grow up?" Jeongyeon said while carresing her head. Chaeyoung glared at her.

"What are you laughing at huh Momo?" Chaeyoung asked. And then I can't control myself anymore so I burst out laughing. The others are laughing too.

"Yah! You guys are mean" Chaeyoung pouted. She then turned her head to her girlfriend and told her she is growing but her girlfriend just laugh at Chaeyoung's remark.

"When I grow taller, you'll be a stranger to me" Chaeyoung stuck her tounge out as she folds her arms on her chest.

"Awww that means you will never forget us. You really are a sweet kind Chaeyoung" Jeongyeon patted Chaeyoung's head. Chaeyoung whined like a little cub she is and Mina is hugging her while giggling.

"Where are you going?" I asked. Dahyun started to walk away but she turned aroung to face me and say...

"It's my parents. I gotta go home. They said they need to talk to me about something important." I nodded my head in response and I told her to take care and be safe. The others bid their goodbye to Dahyun too.

"Let's play games!" Sana said. We all agreed to it since it's been a few days since we last play video games.

"Sorry but we have training today. We'll be home by 8:00 pm" Jihyo said.

"We'll catch up with you guys later" Nayeon said and she waved her hand.

"Mina you know where my house is right? I told mom you'll go there to get my video games. Just drop by my house and she'll just hand it to you okay?" Jeongyeon said before they leave.

"I'll just call mom" Tzuyu said. She then walked away then started to call her mom.

So we are now here in Mina and Nayeon's house. And we are currently invading Nayeon's room because she said so. I laugh as I saw the bunny plushies in her bed.

"Seriously?" I said as I grab one of the plushies.

"Yeah. But it's better if you don't touch it because those are very precious to her" my mouth formed an 'o' before I put down the plushie.

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