Chapter 54

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Tzuyu's P.O.V

I woke up by the sound of something hitting my window.

When I opened my eyes, I can see pebbles hitting my window.

I stood up and went to my window and looked down. There I saw Momo waving her hand at me.

It's already 4:00 am. What is she doing here at this hour?

I gestured my hand as a signal for her to wait for me.

I ran downstairs and opened the front door. Momo came closer to me.

"Hi" She said. I can smell that she's drunk.

"You're drunk" I muttered. She smiled at me awkwardly and scratched her nape as if she's shy about coming here while she's drunk.

"Sorry" She said. I shook my head and gestured her to get inside.

We both went up to my room while carrying some snacks from the kitchen.

I locked the door and we both sat on my bed.

"So, what happened?" I asked. She did not answer me, she took the chips instead and ate it.

"Nothing happened" She muttered under her breath.

"I don't believe you for a second" I said then grabbed some chips and ate it.

"You know me so well now huh?" She said and chuckled. I turned to stare at her.

"Spill it out" I said. She looked at me and scrunched her nose.

"I— want beer" She said bluntly.

I hit her arm and she just laughed it off.

"You're drunk already! Anyway, what caused you to be drunk this time?" I asked casually.

She puts down her chips and looks down. So something's really bothering her.


I'm leaving" She said. I dropped my chips along with my jaw.

"Are you serious?!" I asked her and she nodded.

"You're really gonna leave me here?" I asked. She then stares at me and pouted as she pinches my cheeks.

"We have internet you giant. We can still talk all the time" She said while showing off a smile.

"But isn't this too fast? You're leaving already? When?" I asked. She chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked then pouted.

"You're just too cute. So many questions" She said while chuckling and shaking her head.

"I just want to know. So, when?" I asked amd grabbed some chips to eat some.

"The day after tomorrow" I spilled out the chips inside my mouth on her face.

"Are you serious?!"

"Gross Chou Tzuyu!!!!! Why spill it on my face?" She said as she wipes off the chewed chips from her face and shirt.

"Why so fast?!" I asked and grabbed both of her arm and shakes it.

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