Chapter 38

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Chaeyoung's P.O.V

I was clearly shocked at Momo's announcement on the last day of camp that they broke up.

We can all see how Dahyun and Sana hang out all the time. But we just thought that maybe Dahyun is getting through something, but the bomb exploded saying they broke up.

It's just a week left and school starts and I haven't enrolled yet. I asked my parents to enroll me at the boarding school where Mina is attending. They said they'll think about it.

In Mina's school, it's still 3 weeks left before their semester starts.

"Hey smol bean!" Someone shouted as that person jumps on my back to hug me.

"What took you so long?" I asked as I turned around to face her. Then Mina kissed me on my left cheek while showing off her gummy smile.

Yes it is Mina. My girlfriend ^__^

"Nayeon unnie keeps on bothering me." She said and she pouted. She's so cute. I pinched both of her cheeks which caused her to hit me on my arm.

"Anyway, mom said they'll think about it" she stares at me.

"Think about what?" She asked. I sat down on the couch and pulled her beside me to hug her.

"About me going to your school" I played with her hair.

"What about Tzuyu then?" She asked. I stopped for a bit. Guilt is rushing through my veins.

I don't want to leave her in our school with Momo but... Sana unnie is there too. They can take care of Tzuyu.... but a part of me is saying that I shouldn't follow Mina in her school...

"I'll try to ask her parents about that" this will probably be the best thing to do.

"Where is she anyway?" Mina asked. Yeah, I haven't seen her in a while.

"In their house. Probably with Momo." I said casually.

"They're always together. What happened to Sana?" She asked.

"I don't know. With Dahyun maybe?" I said. It pisses me off thinking about that.

I mean, as Tzuyu's bestfriend, I am mad that her girlfriend is spending more time with her bestfriend.

"Is Tzuyu okay?" She asked. That made me stop from playing with her hair.

"I haven't asked her" I said with a tone of guilt. Ugh! I'm her bestfriend and yet I am not asking how she is.

"Hey calm down smol bean" she said as she caressed my arm.

"Let's go see her now. Shall we?" She asked. My face brightened up when she said this. And she giggles.

"Oh c'mon what's your problem?!" From where we stand, just a few steps away from Tzuyu's room, we can hear Momo shouting.

"Why did you do that?! You think you're strong enough huh? We'll see about that" Mina and I looked at each other with a confused look.

We stopped for a few seconds and then we heard a loud thump. We are shocked and ran immediately to Tzuyu's room.

As we open Tzuyu's room, we saw.......

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