Chapter 51

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Tzuyu's P.O.V

This is the greatest morning ever. Sana called and she said she's going back here next week.

I told the others about this and they're also happy. Jeongyeon unnie kept on reminding Sana about her shoes.

And yes we are all gathered here in Mina and Nayeon unnie's house. They said that today is game day.

"Tzuyu won again. That's unfair!" Chaeyoung whined. Mina unnie hugged her while giggling. I guess she can't resist her girlfriend's cuteness. Who can't? Chaeyoung is really cute.

"I have luck on my side." I said with a bright smile on my face.

"I bet you can't beat me in Tekken" Jeongyeon unnie said with a smug look on her face. Nayeon unnie elbowed her and told her to beat me in the game.

"If I win, you'll admit that Nayeon unnie is old and you're an ostrich" They were shocked at first but they nodded after that.

The game started and I won on the first round. On the second round, I saw Momo sitting beside Chaeyoung, with no expression on her face.

"Ha! One more round and you'll lose" Jeongyeon unnie said. Oh I lost?

This is the last round and I can't keep my eyes off of Momo....

"Ha! In your face Chou Tzuyu!" Jeongyeon unnie stood up and she and her girlfriend danced silly.

"That's unfair! Momo distracted me!" I whined. Then Momo came back to reality, and stares at me.

"Me?" She asked.

"Why Momo? She's not doing anything" Chaeyoung said.

"Nevermind" I pouted and lays down on the floor to text Sana.

But then I thought I should just call her.

After a few rings, she finally picked it up.

[Hey Tzuyu] She said.

"Jeongyeon unnie beat me in the game" I hope she can see me pouting right now.

[Ah jinja? Beat her next time, and if she beats you again, I'll smack her head] I giggled with what she said.

"Arasso. So what are you doing right now?" I asked.

[I fell asleep after a few drinks with my friends] She said.

"Drink some water or a coffee" I said. I heard her made a disgusted voice through the line when I said the word coffee.

[You know I don't like co— hey you're awake] Eh? Who's that?

"Who's that?" I asked. She did not speak for a few seconds and she just screamed 'what the fuck' while laughing.

"Yah! What's happening? Are you okay?" I asked and sat down. The others are looking at me.

[Get out of here!

Don't act like you didn't had fun in our little game Sana.] What.Am.I.Hearing?

"Sana you're with who?!" I shouted, but Sana kept on telling the girl from the other line to get out and she's giggling?!

I ended the call and threw the phone and it landed on Momo's lap.

"Yah!" Momo shouted. Looks like she finally came back to reality. She's been spacing out all day.

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