Chapter 48

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Dahyun's P.O.V

I know most of the girls hates me for leaving Momo without any reason.

They may not say it but I can feel some of them being a bit awkward towards me before, but everything's okay now since the day we hangout on the resthouse and have fun at the beach.

Yesterday we played games at Mina and Nayeon unnie's house.

It was a game of Call of Duty. When Momo got distracted by what Jeongyeon unnie said, her character was killed by Jihyo unnie.

And I kept on looking at her because she looks so frustrated and being teased by Jeongyeon and Jihyo unnie.

Then I saw Chaeyoung's character sneaking behind Jihyo unnie.

Jihyo unnie was killed and I didn't do anything about it. I don't know exactly why did I let that happen.

All I know is that Jihyo unnie killed Momo's character which made her to pout, be frustrated and whine like a kid.

I know Chaeyoung saw me, I know she's confused. Who will not be?

I'm the one who broke up with Momo and I'm acting this way.

It's not my intention to hurt her and broke up with her. I never want to leave her and Sana unnie knows that.

I love her, I still love her and will always love her.

That night when we broke up was the worst day of my life.

I came back to the park and saw her with Tzuyu hugging her while she's crying so hard.

I hurts to see her that way. It hurts seeing her with someone who can fully accept her and be with her.


I was crying my heart out here in my room because my parents found out that I am dating Hirai Momo.

When they called the last time we were in the restaurant, they asked me to go home. And when I came home, hurtful words escaped from their mouth.

They told me to broke up with her that time but I didn't.

Days passed and they kept on monitoring my actions and who I am texting. I only have Sana unnie to talk to.

Then they called me to go to my father's office.

"Sit down" My father commanded.

"You broke up with her already?" My mom asked but I just shook my head and looked down.

"She's a playgirl! She dated a lot of girls already" My mother shouted as she slammed her hand on the table.

"She fucked girls that she dated, do you want that Kim Dahyun?!" My father shouted too.

"She's not like that" I defended.

"You say that because she haven't done it to you yet" My father said as he opens an envelope.

"Hirai Momo. She have a sister and--"

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