Chapter 4

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Sana's P.O.V

We're eating in a restaurant and I can't help but look at Tzuyu. She's so elegant when she eats. It did not make me uncomfortable, I am actually comfortable when I'm with her.

I've known her for a long time. But she doesn't know me. That's why when I bumped into her earlier, I was shocked that I finally became so close to her. She's really pretty, she's nice and did I mention that she's pretty?

When someone said that she's a walking doll, it pissed me off that's why I shouted. She's not a walking doll, call me a stalker if you want but she's really good at dancing, she has a good voice also. How did I know? I live infront of their house and when I first saw her dance, I said to myself that she dance very well. I want to see more.

As I do what I do, I also heard her singing and have a better view of her dancing. This, I mean my secret is actually creepy so I will not tell you that. All I know is that I want to see her and watch her do what she does. But please don't tell her I know these things, she might find me weird ^^

"Yah unnie" Tzuyu said as she gestured her cheeks. I was about to kiss her cheeks when she pushed my face

"What are you doing?" She asked

"You want a kiss on your cheeks right?" Chaeyoung and Momo chuckled.

"You wish Minatozaki" momo said

"Why?" I asked out of confusion

"She doesn't accept any kisses except from her parents of course and Chaeyoung." Momo said while drinking her frappe

"Unnie what I mean is you have something on your cheeks" she said and she wiped that thing on my cheeks

I smiled at her action. She's a sweet kid too. Will she dance later in her room again? I hope so kekeke

"I have a suggestion to make!" Dahyun said while raising her hand

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