Chapter 3

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Chaeyoung's P.O.V

Things are going well. Me, Tzuyu, Momo unnie, Sana unnie, Dahyun unnie and Mina... Tzuyu and I are the youngest, well Tzuyu is the youngest. She is even called 'Baby Tzu' by Sana unnie. She reddened as a sign for embarassment which made Sana unnie giggled and made us all laugh.

We were all having fun. Its also a great distraction for Tzuyu.. I mean ugh! I feel bad for keeping secrets from her. I don't usually do this. I really want to say the reason why I want to be in this camp with her, but I can't. I just can't. I know she's not gonna be able to bare it, its gonna be painful. It hurts me alot and it would hurt her even more.

I'm a stupid friend, I feel so useless. I want to tell her but I don't want to hurt her. If I don't tell her then she would live the way she lives her life, but if I tell her it would just crash her world. Gah! This is so frustrating! I can't keep secrets especially from my bestfriend...

"Are you okay?" Someone said and patted my back. When I look at that someone, it was Mina

"Uh y-yeah. I'm okay" I smiled

"You have cute dimples" then she pinched both of my cheeks

"Ouch. Yah that hurts" I tried to removed her hands from my cheeks but the thought of removing her hands from my cheeks made me weak and I don't even know why.

We continued talking to each other. Its like we have our own world. We're just talking to each other and the others are having their own conversations. Talking to Mina helps me forget about that secret that I've been keeping from my bestfriend Tzuyu.... I wish this pain will go away. I know I need to be strong for Tzuyu and that's what I will do...

Tzuyu's P.O.V

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