Chapter 34

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Chaeyoung's P.O.V

3 days left before this camp ends. And less than 2 weeks before school starts ugh!

It's not that I hate school. It's just that.... Mina and the others are from different schools. I'll be in the same school with Tzuyu and Momo as usual. And also Sana.

As far as I can remember, Mina & Dahyun attends at the same boarding school somewhere.

As for the trainees, I don't know yet if they're still studying or something.

I am being occupied by my thoughts when I suddenly saw a strawberry hanging infront of me. I smiled as I saw Mina get in my view while showing me her gummy smile.

I ate ate strawberry that she is holding and gave her a peck on the lips. She giggled and she hit me on my arm playfully.

"This is not a place for a PDA" then someone hit my head.

"Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon why'd you hit her?" Nayeon unnie showed up and she hit Jeongyeon unnie in the head.

"It's a punishment for public display of affection" Jeongyeon unnie said as she caress her head.

"Says the one who has a MARRIAGE in one of the old training room" A smirk was formed on my lips which caused Jeongyeon unnie to poke me in my forehead.

"Hey that's a secret smolbean" I just stuck my tounge out at her before dragging Mina away.

"Hey where are we going?" She asked.

"We have 30 minutes break right? I need some fresh air" and before I drag her completely out of the room, she pulled back and ran to get her bag.

"Let's go?" She said with a smile while hanging her arm in mid air as if asking me to drag her again by her arm. I chuckled and I held her hand instead before finally walking out of the room.

We walked through the hallway until we reached the elevator. I pushed the top floor button.

"Hey we're not supposed to go there" she said worriedly.

"We're not going to the CEO's office. I told you I need fresh air" I squeezed her hand to keep her calm, and she did.

As we reached the top floor, I dragged her by holding her hand to go the corner side. And right there, there's a stair that will lead us to......

"Rooftop" she said. I looked at her and I just gave her a smile.

As I open the rooftop door, the wind touched our face.

We sat on the side so that it will not be too hot that will cause our skin to be burned by the sun.

She quickly opened her bag look for I don't know what. And then she took out a container from her bag.

"What's that?" I asked. She just smiled at me and opened the container.

"Did you cook this stuffs?" She nodded. I gulped. She then glared at me.

"Well that was scary" I chuckled. I grab a chopsticks and was about to get some pasta when she pulled it away from me.

"Yah" she pouted and she started to pack her stuffs.

I tried to stop her from putting her stuffs in her bag, but she gave up and left the bag with me instead.

She stood up, but before she started to walk away, I pulled her back to sit down and hugged her from the back. I placed my chin on her shoulder.

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