Chapter 10

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Mina's P.O.V

"Come on hurry up" someone mumbled.

"Hold your horses squirrel, my phone is taking its time to open"

"Ugh! Hurry up they might wake up"

"I got it. I took a few shots already"

"Eh? Why didn't you sa--"

"It opened. Omg omg I am so gonna post this" I heard chuckles after those words.

It's so noisy. When I opened my eyes, I saw them. Sana unnie and Momo is on my side of the bed standing while having a big smile on their faces while Momo is holding a phone. While Dahyun and Tzuyu is somewhat standing near my foot while holding up the phone in a high place.

I blinked two times and then I came to realization that they're taking a picture of me. I was about to whine and stand up when I felt a hand moved in my stomach. I looked where it came from and I saw Chaeyoung. Her head is in between my neck and shoulder while her arm is on my stomach.

My eyes widened at our scenario. I look at the others and their smile got bigger. But I noticed something so I started to chuckle. Their eyebrows raised. Momo was about to say something when Chaeyoung woke up.

"Hmmm. Be quiet" and she hugged me even more. I was shocked that my face reddened.

"Hey Chaeyoungie~ Wake up now. We all need to take a bath and you're stopping Mina unnie from standing you smol bean" Tzuyu said while chuckling.

"Shut up Yoda. I have the best position in my life ever. Just go the kitchen I'll be there in 5" I furrowed my eyebrows after hearing that. Momo started to laugh followed by Sana unnie and the others.

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