Chapter 16

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Chaeyoung's P.O.V

What happened earlier is all planned. Momo already agreed to it but she is almost late.

"Ouch! What was that for!?" She shouted. Loud enough that all the few passengers in the bus looked at us. I smiled at them then they looked away.

"You're almost late!" I said.

"But I made it on time right? It worked. They're going together in the JYPE building" she said that as if she's cool with it. I just rolled my eyes.

We just got on the bus when I hit her arm. The bus was about to move forward when someone stood in front of the bus so the bus stopped. Then a girl entered the bus...

I looked at Momo. Her jaw is dropped and her eyes is wide open. Who could not? The girl who stood in front of the bus when it's about to move forward is no other than... Dahyun.

I quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture of Momo's face. When the camera clicked, she came back to realization and tries to get my phone from me. Good thing I'm not sitting yet. So I quickly pulled Dahyun and hide behind her. Momo couldn't do a thing but clicked her tongue.

They sit beside each other and I'm sitting on the other side. Wonder what she is doing?

Calling Penguin 🐧❤️

[Hey mushroom]

"Good morning my penguin. Did you eat breakfast already?" I heard her chuckled on the other line.

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