Chapter 40

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Chaeyoung's P.O.V

Tzuyu hasn't come back yet. It's been almost 2 hours already.

"I told you that burglar kidnapped her" I rolled my eyes at Momo's statement.

"For the last time, that's Sana unnie!"

"Yeah whatever. Text her" she said as she continued to play Tekken.

To: Penguin 🐧❤️


From: Penguin 🐧❤️


To: Penguin 🐧❤️

I have a story to tell. Can I call you?

A few minutes had passed but she didn't reply.

"Did you text her already?" Momo asked.

"No" I said plainly. I am staring at my phone and waiting for Mina to reply.

"Then who are you texting?" She asked, still focused on her game and she shouted hoooray when she won.

"Lemme guess. By the look on your face... is it Mina? Is she not replying?" She looks at me while asking this. I sighed and nodded as a response.

"You know..... that's the first stage of break up. You should be ready and you should prepare your hear--" I threw a pillow at her that I took from Tzuyu's bed.

Momo started to laugh like a maniac. Then my phone rang...

Incoming call from Penguin 🐧❤️.....

I sit properly as I saw her name on the screen of my phone. Momo formed a smirk on her lips and she faced and focuses on her game again.


[Sorry. I took a quick shower]

"Ah I see. I thought you fell asleep"

[So what's your story little one]

I was about to say something when....

"Hey Mina! Chaeyoung is worried when you didn't reply to her!" I threw a pillow at Momo but she dodge it. Momo laugh a little and I can hear Mina is giggling from the other line.

"Yah!" I shouted.

[Awww. I'm wearing earphones"

"Oh I-I'm sorry. Are you okay?" I asked. Aish I shouldn't have shouted.

[Yeah I'm okay. So what do you wanna talk about?]

"You know the person that wears an all black outfit that Tzuyu saw near their house a couple of times already?"

[Yeah I remember you told me that. What about it?] then there it goes. I told her how we heard a noise.. how Momo threw a book at Sana unnie. And how she fell... and the whole story that Momo and I encountered a while ago.

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