Chapter 35

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Tzuyu's P.O.V

Tomorrow is Sunday. That means tomorrow will be the end of the camp. And in less than 2 weeks, our school will start.

My operation? I will be operated if they find a donor. I am third in line who will receive a heart at I don't know what or where. Mom and dad don't want me to worry about it so much but I can't help it.

"Spacing out again?" Someone said as she kissed me on my left cheek.

"Just a little unnie" I said. Sana unnie sat beside me and she pouted.

"What's with the pout unnie?" I asked. She then glared at me. Eh? What did I do?

"I told you to never call me unnie. Just call me Sana." She pouted. I giggled as I pinched both of her cheeks.

"Aww that hurts!" She whined as she caressed her cheeks. I just chuckled and grab some chips.

Me and Sana unn-- I mean Sana, we are here in my room. She said she want to watch a movie with me since the class in the camp ended a few minutes ago.

"You know it really hurts" she keeps on repeating that for a couple of times already. I know what she wants.

I lean closer to her to kiss both of her cheeks. Her face turned bright as she hugs me.

"It took you so long to figure it out" she said. I hugged her back.

"I'm just teasing you.... unnie" I said. She pulled away from the hug and stares at me.

"Let's start watching now." I said as I lay on my stomach in my bed. I tapped the space beside me and she crawled her way there.

I played the movie. It is a lovestory. I've never watch lovestories for a long time because Chaeyoung and I just play games in my playstation or just talk about stuffs.

We're in the middle of the movie when I noticed that Sana is not talking. She's usually talkative but she's not right now.

"Yah unnie, are you okay?" I asked. She didn't even look at me.

"Unnie" I tried to call her attention but she's focused on the movie. I closed my laptop and there she looked at me.

"Yah! I am watching that!" She said in a loud voice.

"Why are you not talking?" I asked. She grabbed some chips.

"I'm watching. And besides I'm focusing on the movie" she said.

"You're not even focusing when we're playing games, and now you're focusing on a movie that you and I watched a couple of times already?" She sighed deeply before looking at me.

"I... nevermind. Just play it again" she said and she tries to get my laptop but I grabbed it and put it on the floor. I earned a glare from her.

"Why are you acting like that?" I asked because I'm really confused right now.

"Ugh! Fine! I'll watch it on my own laptop" she said as she stands up. Eh?

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked.

"Home" she said. She's almost at my door but I stopped her tracks by hugging her behind her back.

"What?" She asked. But I stayed silent. She continues to ask me what do I need, but I keep on being silent.

"If you don't need anything, I'll go" she removes my hand on her waist and reaches for the door.

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