Chapter 45

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Tzuyu's P.O.V


"Tzuyu" Where is that voice coming from?

I looked around but I can't find anyone here.

"Tzuyu over here" A voice called. I turned around and there I saw 5 human figures waving their hands at me.

I can't recognize who they are because it is really blurry.

As I walk towards them, I can see that they are all having fun. But someone caught my attention.

There's a girl near a tree, not too far from where I stand. I decided to go to that girl instead of going to the ones who are calling me.

As I approach the girl, the sky turns a bit dark. It looked like it's going to rain. But I still continued to walk towards the girl.

I am just a few feet away from the girl when someone bumped into me which caused me to slip on the edge of a hill.

"Noooooo!" The girl who is sitting under a tree stood up and ran her way towards me and the girl who bumped me.

The girl who bumped me grabs my hand and holds on to the branch to prevent us from falling.

The branch is not that strong. I know we will fall and die...

"Tzuyu please hold my hand" A vlice said. I looked up only to see a girl figure with her face still blurry.

I tried to reach her hand but I can't reach it. As I try hard to reach her hand, the girl loses its grip on the branch.

"I'm sorry. I love you" The girl to someone as we both fell to the cliff.


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!" I shouted and sat down on the bed.

"Whaaaaaaaaaa" Sana also sat down while shouting too.

She then looks at me as I put my hand on my chest.

"T-tzuyu you okay?" She asked and she cups my face and stares at me.

I hugged her instead of answering her. She then hugged me back.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to get some water?" She asked. I shook my head as I hug her tighter and I bury my head on her neck.

"I just had a bad dream" I said. She brushed her hand through my hair while telling me to calm down.

I thought that kind of dream was gone already. It's been a while since I last dreamed like that. I'm scared.

"I'm scared Sana" She pulls out from the hug and stares at me.

"Why?" She asked.

"I died in my dream. I fell on the cliff. What if I will di--" she cutted my words by giving me a peck on my lips.

"You're not going to die okay?" She said and she kissed my forehead and hugs me again.

We heard loud knocks from the door which cause us to both pull out from the hug.

"Time to wake up you lovebirds!! Breakfast is ready. We'll leave after lunch" A voice came from the door. I am sure that it is Jihyo unnie because the voice is so loud.

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