Chapter 25

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Sana's P.O.V

I woke up early as possible to look for a clothe that will suit me well. I threw about 10 pairs of clothes in my bed because I don't think that was good enough.

"Ugh!" I growled in frustration

"MINATOZAKI SANA WHAT IS THIS MESS!?" I was startled. I looked at the door and it was my mom

"I'm looking for a perfect clothes now mom"

"And why?" I turned around to look at her

"Me and Tzuyu are going to the Amusement park now" my mom's eyes sparkled. Yes she knows about this. About me liking Tzuyu. And she supports me for this 'cause she's the one who bought the ticket and told me to ask Tzuyu out

"Just wear what you want to wear. Don't need to impress her. It is better if you will be yourself during your date" I blushed at the word date. My mom gave me a peck on my cheek before walking out of my room

"Make sure to clean your mess before going out" she shouted. I chuckled and shook my head before looking for clothes again.

"Be yourself" That's what mom said. I think I should just be myself. She might find it weird if I wear a dress or whatever

Finally I chose my clothes for today. I walked outside my house and bid my goodbye to my mother.

There I saw her standing infront of her window, talking and looking somewhere, or should I say someone. Maybe it's her mom or Chaeyoung or whatever. I smiled when I saw her. She's up early. I'll wait for you Tzuyu-ah

I walked away and waited for the bus outside our subdivision.

I am hungry. Where is she? I looked at the clock and it's almost lunch time. Aish I should get something to eat while waiting

I waited until afternoon but there is still no sign of her

She said she'll come. But why isn't she here yet? I looked down

Maybe she forgot. Or maybe she went soemwhere important. Ah! I should call her!

I looked for my phone in my pocket and in my bag, where is it?!

I went to a food stall where I bought food earlier but it's not there. Maybe..... ugh! How can I forget my phone at home?! I growled in frustration

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't frown like that" I looked at where that sound came from. I-it's.......

Mark.... A trainee in Jyp Entertainment. I remembered Jackson oppa told us that he's debuting soon together with Mark, Bambam, Youngjae, Jinyoung, Yugyeom, and Jb oppa. Why is he here?

"Hey" he waved his hand infront of my face. I shook my head as I went back to reality. He chuckled. I can't say that it's cute but I really want to say it

"You don't have someone with you?" I smiled awkwardly before looking down

"Ow. Did not show up eh?" I nodded. I was shocked when he ruffled my hair

"I'll accompany you. I have no one to be with also. Shall we?" Since I am here and Tzuyu did not show up obviously, I went to go around with Mark.

It was fun actually. We rode the roller coaster and I was shouting like hell while he is laughing because he said I look cute with my reactions. I can't deny but I blushed that time ㅋㅋㅋ

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