Chapter 37

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Momo's P.O.V

Days passed after me and Dahyun's break up. I am really having a hard time coping up with it.

I even drank right after we broke up. That's when I called Tzuyu late at night to be with me because I really feel alone and I need someone to talk to.

I can still remember what happened, how she broke up with me. How she left me, and how Sana was there on that time.....


Saturday afternoon, and I am here on my bed doing nothing. I like to lay down for now. I like to call this day a lazy day....

Class ended just about an hour ago and we all went home to rest for a bit and the couples? They're on a date I guess.

I am staring at the ceiling and thinking about what to eat. Food has been my buddy ever since I was a kid.

I'm in the middle of my thoughts when my phone vibrated.

From: Tofu tofu ❤️

Let's talk. I'm at the lagoon here in the park.

I quickly stood up as I read her message. I miss her so much! I want to see her and hug her. I mean I see her everday because of the camp.

But do you know that feeling of 'so close yet so far away'? That's what I feel. Her attention revolves on Sana and I hate that.

Or sometimes she just won't talk to any of us. I think she have a problem but she won't tell me. I am disappointed at that but I don't care anymore!!! I will go see and talk to her now. I am so happy..

Before I went to the park, I grabbed a chocolate and picked 3 flowers on our garden. I hope she likes this.

I arrived at the park and I went to where the lagoon is. There I saw her standing while staring at the lagoon.

I sneaked and surprised her with a back hug and kissed her right cheek.

"I miss you" I said as I place my chin on her shoulder. She removed my hands around her waist and stepped backwards and faced me.

"Here. I got this for you." I handed her the chocolate and the flowers but she rejected it by pushing it to my chest.

"Wh--" she cutted off my word by saying the the three words that I don't want to hear.

"Let's break up" my heart scattered into pieces after hearing this.

"I might have a hearing problem. I heard it wrong, right Dahyun?" I asked as my lips tremble.

"I said let's break up" tears formed in my eyes as I grab both of her arm.

"No. You're just kidding right?" Tears fell on my eyes and I know I can see tears forming in her eyes too.

"I am not kidding and please let me go, it hurts" she said as she tries to escape from my grip.

"No! I know you love me and you need to stay with me" She looks down and cries. I placed my hands on both of her cheeks as I wipes her tears away.

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