Special Chapter - Mina and Chaeyoung

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Chaeyoung's P.O.V

It's been a 6 months since the tragedy happened. We miss her a lot.

Nayeon unnie, Jeongyeon unnie and Jihyo unnie stopped being a trainee. They said they want to live a normal life and finish their studies.

We all enrolled in a new school. It's an all girls boarding school.

School started already but today is our time to go out of the school and have time to sleep in our home.

Someone placed her arm around my shoulder and kissed me on my cheeks.

I smiled when I saw who that girl is.

"Sorry. You waited too long?" She asked.

"No. I just got here also." I said with a smile on my face.

"Do you want to go somewhere before we go home?" She asked. I placed my finger on my chin as if I am thinking.

She then chuckled and ruffles my hair as she held my hand.

"Let's go" She said then we both went outside the campus.

At first I thought we'll ride a cab or something but I was shocked to see a pair of bicycle not so far from us.

She turned to look at me and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Seriously Myoui?" I asked and she nodded.

We walked towards the bicycle and she paid the guy who is guarding it.

"Where are we headed to?" I asked.

"Just follow me" She said then winked at me.

We started to ride the bike and we headed to the Hangang Park.

She stopped near the bridge where the view of a Han River can be seen.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"We'll swim" She said then chuckled.

"Very funny Myoui" I said then faked a laugh which caused her to ruffle my hair and giggle.

"Come on" She said then held my hand as we both went near the railings.

It's late in the afternoon, few more minutes and it will start to be dark.

Only few people can be seen here in the park.

She sighed deeply.

"That was a deep one" I said then looked at her.

"You okay?" I asked. But she just looked at me and held my hand tightly.

"Perhaps not. Something's bothering you, what is it?" I asked again.

"You know I'll be graduating next school year" She said.

"We won't be able to see each other most of the time now" She said with a sad tone on her voice.

"Yeah that" I said.

I keep on avoiding that thought since it's only gonna be few more months and she'll graduate already with the others. Only me and Tzuyu will be left in the school, we still need a year to graduate too.

"I shouldn't have bring this up" She said with a guilt tone on her voice.

I looked at her and held her hand.

"It's okay. It'll be only for a year. I'll graduate too you know" I said with a smile on my face.

"But..." she said.

"But what?" I asked her.

"I want to end this relationship" She said. I swear my world collapsed when she said these words.

A tear escaped from my eye as I held both of her arm and asked her if she's being serious about it.

"I'm serious Chaeyoung" She said.

I was about to say something but my words failed me.

No words came out from my mouth and I just cried there silently.

But I was shocked that she pulled me for a hug while she giggle.

"You think I am finished with my words already?" She asked then pulled away from the hug.

I looked at her with a confused look on my face.

She reached for her pocket and took out something.

My jaw dropped when I saw her holding a ring on her hand.

"You see this? This is a promise ring" She said then held my hand and placed the ring on my finger.

"A promise that only you will be the one that I will marry someday" She said with a bright smile on her face.

"And you Son Chaeyoung, you are mine only" She said and cupped my face.

"And you are mine too" I said then closed the gap between up and kissed her.

It was a short kiss. We both pulled away and shared a smile as our forehead touches each other.

"I love you Myoui Mina"

"I love you too Son Chaeyoung" Then we both hugged each other as we blth watch the sunset from where we are standing.

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