Chapter 39

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Tzuyu's P.O.V

I am reading a book here in my room. I am with Momo and Chaeyoungiee, they're playing a game.

Chaeyoung is teasing Momo. I think Chaeyoung beat her in the game. Chaeyoung is laughing but she suddenly stopped while Momo is still whining like a kid who misplaced her lollipop.

"Did you guys hear that?" Chaeyoung asked. Momo stopped whining and I looked at Chaeyoung.

It was a quiet atmosphere. Momo was about to talk when....

"Hey" a voice from the window can be heard.

We all turned our heads at the window.....

"Momo, Chaeyoung" it's a voice from the window again and it's a very familiar voice...

"How did the window know our name?!" Momo exclaimed. I glanced at Chaeyoung and Momo a bit. And I saw Momo clinging her arms to Chaeyoung.

"Hey Tzuyu what are you doing?" Chaeyoung asked. I can't blame her because I am staring at the window. That voice is really familiar. I know that voice, I can't be wrong...

"Don't go near the window! It's possessed!!" Momo shouted. I want to turn around and raise an eyebrow at her but I am focused on figuring out who owns that voice.

I opened the window and I am staring at the tree... I felt Chaeyoung's presence beside me together with Momo.

I can't be wrong. It is......

"Tzuyu" she calls my name. It's really her!! I can't be wrong.

"Tzuyu is that the same person that you saw before in that tree also?" Chaeyoung asked. I was about to say something when.....

"A burglar!!! I'll save you guys" Momo shouted as she threw a book at the her. It hits her head...

"Kyaaaaaaaaah!!" She shouted and fell from the tree. My eyes widened with what Momo did.

"What the hell Momo unnie?!" I shouted. I stare at the person who is lying on the ground and that person tries to sit down.

"What?! That's a burglar" Momo answered back. I bit my lower lip and looks at Momo.

"That's Sana" I ran outside my room leaving Chaeyoung and Momo in there.

As I went outside my house, I saw Sana still strying to sit down.

I ran to her and I kneel down to help Sana to sit down.

"I'm sorry Tzuyu. I'm really sorry for acting like a total asshole" she said as she hugs me.

"Sorry for not giving much attention to you. I'm so sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me" I can hear her sobbing. Tears fell from my eyes also as I hug her back tightly.

"Hey Sana!!! Sorry! I thought you were a burglar" It was Momo who shouted. We pulled out from the hug to look at Momo and Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung dragged Momo and they are finally out of our sight.

Sana held my hand and I turned to look at her. I suddenly remembered that she fell from the tree.

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