Chapter 57

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Sana's P.O.V

I told Tzuyu last time that I'll be back next week but to be honest, I'm here!!! I'm at the airport now and currently waiting for my cousin's car.

Now where is that girl of mine?

I took my phone out and called her as I get inside the car when my cousin arrived.

But it's not ringing. Maybe her phone is turned off.

I hide my phone and look out the window. Oh how I miss this place.

Then I looked at my bag and opened the pocket of it and took out a ring. It's a promise ring that I will give to Tzuyu when I see her.

I smiled as the thought of seeing her happy zapped in my mind.

"We'll be together again Tzuyu" I muttered then smiled brightly.

I took out my phone and called her again.

This time it was ringing. Come on Tzuyu pick it up.

She picked it up. And I was about to say hello when I heard a noise and a loud crash. My heart pounded so loud.

"Tzuyu? Hey Tzuyu you okay?" But no one answered. I keep on calling her name but she's not responding.

I did not end the call and I still call her name. But the car that I am riding on reached a scene.

It's a scene that I don't want to see.

The car stopped and I went out and slowly walked towards the 2 crashed cars that's facing the opposite direction.

I'm just a few steps away from the cars when I saw something on the road.

I saw something very familiar. I bent down and grabbed that thing and it shocked me to see that it was the key chain that I gave to Tzuyu.

Then I looked at the car only to see Tzuyu and Dahyun with blood as the car that they are in was turned upside down.

I covered my mouth with my hand and sat down as tears fall down on my face.

"No. This is just a dream." I said to myself.

I cried my heart out as I stood up and ran towards the car but someone pulled my arm to prevent me from going there.

"Let go of me!! Tzuyu needs me. Please" I said as I countinued to cry.

"The ambulance will be here Sana." It was my cousin.

But I still try to get out from his grip but he's too strong.

After a few minutes of trying, the ambulance came and immediately took Dahyun and Tzuyu out of the car.

I used all my strength and got out from the grip of the my cousin and went towards Tzuyu that is currently on the stretcher.

"T-tzuyu please wake up. Don't do this please" I said and touched her face. But the medic pulled me away.

"Tzuyu please!!! I got you this ring. You'll wear it, now wake up please" I said as tears are flowing nonstop as I hold the ring on my hand.

"Hey! There's a man and a girl on this cab! I need 2 men here" Someone shouted. Probably a medic that is attending on the other car that crashed.

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