Chapter 9

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Chaeyoung's P.O.V

While we're eating dinner, I always look at Mina unnie and when she looks at me, she immediately looks down and continue eating. Everytime Momo puts up a good joke we all laugh.

As for Sana unnie who is doing it on purpose just to lean on Tzuyu's shoulder.

We all laugh so hard except for Mina unnie who just keeps on releasing chuckles and showing off her gummy smile that I adore.

Wait! I don't adore her gummy smile. I just find it cute that's it. I turned to look at Tzuyu and Sana unnie. Sana unnie is looking at Tzuyu and Tzuyu looked at her. I'm looking at them and I hear them talking.

"Tzuyu-ah you okay now?" Sana unnie asked Tzuyu.

"Huh?" Tzuyu replied with a confused look.

"You accidentally drank a drink with alcohol earlier and you acted and you became clingy to me" Tzuyu looked down as a shy girl she is. I can tell that she's still embarrassed of what she did earlier.

"Yah you don't need to be shy" Sana unnie held Tzuyu's chin to lift her head up while chuckling.

"S..sorry" Tzuyu mumbled. From what Tzuyu said, Sana unnie changed her expression from happy to a blank face then giving Tzuyu an unusual smile.

That's weird.

"Unnie you okay?" Tzuyu asked and Sana unnie just nod and gave her a weak smile.

After that they didn't talk anymore. Momo did the talking and Dahyun unnie seemed to be amused with her. They're getting closer now. I wouldn't be surprised if they started to date.

Dahyun unnie is a pretty girl and I know that Momo is very much aware of that. To tell you honestly, he tried to ask me out before but I just hit her head and laughed it off. She became very close to me and maybe just a little to Tzuyu since Tzuyu is very distant to other people except for me. 

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