Chapter 36

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Tzuyu's P.O.V

I woke up without Momo unnie beside me. Eh? Where is she? I looked at the clock and it is only 6:00 am.

I just shrugged it off thinking that she probably headed home early since today is our last day in camp.

I stood up from my bed and do what I need to do. I picked a casual clothes on my closet to wear for today.

I am currently eating my breakfast now in the kitchen when mom showed up saying that Momo unnie is in the garden about 20 minutes ago.

I quickly finished my food and immediately went to the garden to see Momo unnie sitting on the grass.

"Stop thinking, it doesn't suit you" I said as I stood behind her with crossed arms in my chest.

Momo unnie turned around to look at me. She smiled when she saw me.

"So, are you okay now?" I asked casually.

"I just wish I'm okay" she said this with a fake smile while looking down to the grass while playing with it.

"You'll be okay. Maybe not now, but someday I know you'll be" I said as I handed out my hand to her to help her stand up.

She accepted my hand and stands up with a smile on her face. It's a genuine smile right now.

"We should go now. We don't want to miss the last day, don't we?" She said. I chuckled as I shook my head.

We went out of my house and started walking. We only walked a few steps away from my house when I heard someone calling my name.

"Tzuyu-ah!" I turned around to see who is calling me, and it was Sana together with Dahyun unnie who is looking at me. Then Dahyun unnie looked at Momo unnie.

Dahyun unnie looked down which made Sana to look at Momo with wide eyes. I think she did not notice that I am with Momo unnie when she called my attention.

"Yes Sana?" I asked. It made her cane back to her senses and turned her attention to Dahyun who is looking down and not paying attention to me. Great! That's just great Sana.

Then I felt a hand held my own. It was Momo unnie. She started to drag me by my hand.

"Hey where are you going?" Sana asked. I was about to turned around and answer back to her question when Momo unnie continued to drag me.

"Tzuyu said she'll treat me ice cream." Momo unnie said as we continued to walk away.

I looked at Momo unnie with a confused look. And she returned it with a squeeze on my hand.

We walked our way to the bus stop. Sana and Dahyun took a cab.

"What was that for?" I asked her as the bus stopped infront of us.

"Saving you from pain" she said plainly as we climbed up on the bus and sat down.

"I am not hurt" I said. Momo unnie formed a smirk on her lips and she looked at me.

"Is that why you have a strange look on your face when Sana paid attention to Dahyun than you?" I opened my mouth but I closed it immediately.

"That's what I thought. You're welcome by the way" she said as if she's being cool right now.

"Yeah thanks" I said.

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