Chapter 55

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Chaeyoung's P.O.V

Seeing Dahyun in pain last night is painful for me too. Dahyun became close to me, she's my friend.

But I know Momo won't do that on purpose. Maybe she have a reason. I just don't know why on earth would she kiss someone?

Dahyun and I went to the club because Momo called Dahyun that time.

She got worried so she asked me to come with her to go to where Momo is.

And why on earth would Momo asked Dahyun to go to her if she's just gonna kiss someone that night?

"Hey don't stress yourself" Mina popped out from behind and kissed my left cheek before sitting beside me.

"You know Dahyun and Momo is a great couple. Why can't they be together again?" I asked.

Mina smiled at me and ruffles my hair.

"Some people meet each other but not gonna end up being together." She said. I pouted and scrunched my nose with what she said.

"Cute" She muttered. I turned to look at her and asked her what she said but she said it was nothing.

"Yah what is it?" I asked again. But she just shook her head while giggling.

"Come on! Just tell m—" I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence when she kissed me on my lips.

"I said you're cute. Now stop acting cute, or else I'll put you in my bag" She said while showing me her gummy smile.

"I love you" I said as I look directly to her eyes.

"I love you too" She said then pecks on my lips and lays her head on my shoulder.

I reached for her hand and held it as we both watch the beautiful view from our own place, the treehouse.

"You know we should redecorate this treehouse" She said.

"What's wrong with the design of this treehouse?" I asked.

"It's like a child's place." Then I looked around and saw our doodles when we're still a kid that is taped on the wall.

All the toys we have here made me fell into laughter.

"What?" She asked.

"Yeah it's a bit child-like treehouse" I laugh as I said these words.

"But let's not redecorate this. It's our memory and the witness to our love since then" I said. Then silence filled the air and we both fell into laughter after a few seconds.

"Such a cheeseball Son Chaeyoung" She said then pinches my cheeks.

"Cringe" I said. Then we both laugh again.

The sun is setting already and as usual it is beautiful.

But this girl beside me is more beautiful and precious than the sunset.

She's the sunshine of my good morning. She's the calmness of my night. She's part of me now.

And no one can take her away from me. I positioned behind her and hugged her while we're sitting down as we both watch the sunset.

"You okay?" She said then tapped my left cheek.

I stuffed my face on her neck and nodded.

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