Chapter 5

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Chaeyoung's P.O.V

I went outside to talk to Tzuyu's parents. Ugh! I should have listened to Mina unnie that Tzuyu's drink has alcohol content. I dialled her mom's number.


"Ahjumma it's me Chaeyoung"

[Oh hi! Why did you call? Tzuyu had an attack again?]

"No!" I shouted. I covered my mouth immediately.

"I-I'm sorry. J-just don't say something like that ever again ahjumma."

[It's okay. Well then why did you call?]

"We were divided into 4 groups and Tzuyu, Momo and I are in the same group along with our new friends--"

[New friends!? My baby has new friends?]

"Yes ahjumma. They're all nice. As I was saying, we're going to have a group performance tomorrow and we need to practice. Can Tzuyu come with us? I mean it's also a sleepover at Mina's house so that we--" she didn't even let me finished my sentence.

[Go! Go ahead. I'll tell her father about this. He's gonna be so happy. You take care of her and yourself okay?]

"Hmm yeah we will"

[How about your clothes?] I was stunned by that question. If Tzuyu comes home to get clothes then her mom will know what happened.

"I--" someone grabbed my phone.

"Hello this is Mina. I'm your daughter's new friend. Don't worry about her. I'll lend them my clothes." It was M-mina. She's smiling like an angel. She held my hand and mouthed the word 'I got this' I can't help but smile. This girl is really is something. She's like Tzuyu but she's more like her. I stare at her as she talks to ahjumma.

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